long time no .. update

Feb 17, 2004 11:42

yeah ive been hardcore slacking in the updating department lately.. but ive been oh so busy.

school is up and running.. umm i think i miss more classes then i attend tho.. witch is bad.. but im not really behind cuz i do all my makup work at home so its all good.

work sucks. it wouldn't be so bad .. but i work til 11 almost everynight and im all alone and bored to death!

i got my conch pierced the other day and it fucking kills haha.. it looks cute tho.. after this one heals im getting my other one done then im getting.. well i won't tell you that til i get it done haha..

i went to Boston yesterday with Sam,Eryn and Chrissii.. it was awesome to just spend the afternoon with my favorite people. To bad renee didn't come.. shes my all time favorite person!

While there we hit um Burito Max!!! Garment District.. where i got a lovely green sweater and a pair of bright orange cords with stars on the sides that ryn and chris made me get haha.. im glad tho.. they are adorable!
then we drove around a bit.. stoped at ryns house.. then droped Sam of at Ben's dorm.. then went and got my car at the academy then went home!

once home i just hung out ith renee and watched a movie til we got hungry and hit up wendy's! then sleep.

i know its currently 11:48 and im SUPOSED to be in Psyc right now.. but im home.. cuz im a slacker and didn't feel like getting up at 8 this morning.. blah.. fucking reble haha..

ok well i have to do homework to make up for my day of absence.. then hit up the bank.. then go to work... blah.

but this weekend shall be a good one indeed. well i have to work friday..then saturday is Sam and Ben's first show..( i really wish they would decide on a name haha) witch i can't wait to attend!

ok well im off.. hopefully it won't be so long til my next visit to LJ.. haha.. tkae care everyone.

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