Name: Louise "Lou" Davis.
Height: 6'1
Age: 29
Hair color, length, style: Brunette, long hair, curly.
Race/nationality: White/Unsure.
Accent: (include voice, style of speech, slang, signature phrases or words): None.
Religion: None in particular.
Marital status: Single.
Scars or other notable physical attributes: Several small scars.
Style of dress: Whatever's comfortable.
Favorite colors: Green and blue.
Children: [Locked unless she's told you]One foster son,
Max, nine.[/locked]
Brothers/sisters: One brother, deceased.
Educational background: Completed high school in '98, graduated Police Academy in '05.
Occupation: Police Officer.
Where does the character live now?: New York.
Pets?: None.
Basic nature: She's not a people person, sort of brusque and dark-humored, more at home with books or action movies than people. If she gets to like you, though, she's protective and gentle - just as long as nobody's watching.
Personality traits: Sarcastic, cold, skeptical, pessimistic, teasing.
Strongest trait: Analytically minded and thoughtful.
Weakest trait: Bad temper.
Outlook on life: Pessimistic.
Ambitions: Become proficient in her job. [Locked]Adopt Max.[/locked]
Most important thing to know about this character: Due to the nature of her job, she's secretive and wary of a lot of people. She'll play around, joke, even have a couple beers, but she won't take you home and she won't answer questions about her "roommate".
((ooc: PB is Sandra Bullock, I do not own her or any of the images used to represent Lou. Character is original, not assigned to any fandom and allll mine.))