Title: Brought to Knees
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13 (for suggestions)
Disclaimer: I own nothing but an overactive imagination. And a computer.
Summary: Merlin shows off his magic and Arthur is rather impressed.
Warnings/spoilers: Not beta-ed.
Words: 120
A/N: This is for my lovely friend
hils who is awesome and inspiring and who puts up
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Merlin's a very talented guy.
How's your spying!Merlin muse coming along btw?
It's doing slowlyh. I got a bit stuck at 150 words, but I've rewritten it now and I've got about 600 so that's a bonus. I've found I'm quite liking writing Nimueh which is rather worrying since, you know, Arthur and Merlin really should turn up in this fic eventually. I've banned myself from rewriting anything that doesn't need it (because the plot has gone a bit wrong) just so I can attempt to get the word count up a bit. The plot has been hijacked quite a bit so I have a feeling I'm going to spend quite a lot of the time in the dark about the plot. I was worried yesterday when the Mob boss Uther, fed/special branch Merlin fic that I'm writing for fun (so I can shoot muses should it be neceesary) was longer than my Big Bang fic.
I have this awful tendency to re-read and edit everytime I open a fic. I've got one at the moment that stands at about 9000 words and it takes forever from me opening the file to me actually continuing...then I usually write a line and have to save and close it because it's dinner time or something, only to repeat the whole process later!
I hate it when that happens. I've got one that's at 38k at the minute and I keep on leaving so long between writing chapters I have to read the thing through before I can write anything again and then half way through I decide it's not working. I aim to write 3k chapters for that and first draft is always a bit of a struggle to get to around 2k but once I have the general plot of the chapter figured out the rewrite seems to be more a case of not letting the chapter get too long. Long fic is good though :D
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