Title: 10 Things I Hate About You
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing but an overactive imagination. And a computer.
Summary: Arthur hasn't quite got the hang of telling Merlin how he feels.
Warning: Vague spoilers for most of Season 1.
Words: 289
A/N: Not beta-ed.
I hate that when you arrived in Camelot you rebuked me, refused to bow to me and told me I was a prat. I hate that I probably deserved it.
I hate that your goofy grin makes your eyes shine and lights up your face and makes me want to kiss you.
I hate that you wear stupid outfits because I tell you to and you only moan a bit. And I hate that you always look good in them.
I hate that you try to protect everyone, when you announced you were a sorcerer in front of my father to save Gwen. And I hate that I couldn’t do anything.
I hate that you lie for me and put yourself in danger. And I hate that I ask it of you.
I hate that you challenge me, question me, and make me query everything I ever knew. I hate that you’ve awoken my conscience and turned everything I ever accepted as true upside down.
I hate that you are always trying to protect me, that you’d drink poison for me and you’d try to do it again. I hate that you’d willingly die for me. I hate that you think I’m worth it and I hate that I’m not sure I am.
I hate that there’s still something about you I can’t quite put my finger on.
I hate that when I’m down you cuddle into me and can make everything right without a word. I hate that I can’t remember anyone else ever doing that.
I hate that you mean more to me than anyone else and I hate that I don’t really hate you at all. And I hate that I’m scared of what that means.
Coming soon: Merlin's more conventional declaration.
See what Merlin has to say.