Jul 02, 2006 12:04
So yesterday was my last day of clinicals for school. Part of me is glad its over but another part isn't, because my preceptor was great and I really liked being the nurse and taking care of the patients mostly by myself. It made me feel like a real nurse for the first time. Now when I go back there for work I can't do nearly as much stuff which sucks.
But at least my last day there as a student was interesting. There was this patient who came in who was an alcoholic and was found wandering down the street by the cops. He was in there having loud conversations with himself and kept yelling out for various people. Oh and the best part he ripped out his IV and took the cap off another one so he managed to get blood all over himself and the bed. And he kept trying to get out of bed and leave. Of course the nurse had me try and draw some blood from him, I got his vein but then he started waving his arm around with the needle still in it and trying to get out of bed. Of course I was in there by myself so I had to yell for help to come hold him down, while he was trying to grab me with his bloody hand. We then put him in this special chair for old people so he would stop trying to get out of bed, which was an adventure in itself tyring to get him into it. It was actually quite funny watching him in the chair, he spent about an hour trying to break out of it and kept moving it around. Never a dull moment in the icu!
And England got kicked out of the world cup by Portugal...booooooo! And I just read today that Beckham quit as captain....noooooooo! Although I will admit he hasn't played his best except for that awesome goal against Ecuador. Who am I going to watch if he isn't playing?
Oh yes and Melissa informed me of some very sad news yesterday, 'Nsync is no longer a band. I think we should all have a moment of silence. What are we going to do with no more 'Nsync? I think the world is coming to an end!
Only 3 more weeks of school to go!!!