Sokkla Summer [Week FIVE]

Jul 24, 2009 13:46

Author: lotusunset 
Title: Servant Sokka
Prompt: Cake
Word Count: 605
Rating: G
Notes: Just some fluffy stuff and a pregnant Azula~

Even in their third year of marriage, it still surprised Sokka to see Azula wearing the clothes of her adoptive nation.  But he never got sick of it.  She looked beautiful in blue.  He especially loved to see her in Water Tribe garb when they were in the Fire Nation.  It made her stand out against the mostly red surroundings.

Which made it a hell of a lot easier to find her.  Honestly.  It seemed like the second Sokka took his eyes off of her she disappeared.  She definitely wasn't letting her pregnancy keep her in one spot, even if she was pretty far along.  But it was rather irritating when she expected him to automatically know where she was.  And after the scene she had made earlier over this cake, Sokka worried she'd make another one if he didn't find her soon.  Mostly because this fancy cake she was having a killer craving for was practically melting right before his eyes.  Curse Fire Nation desserts!  Why did most of them have to be of the frozen variety?

When Sokka found her, he was most definitely relieved.  She was sitting at the fountain in the royal gardens.  He smiled and briskly walked over to his wife, sitting down beside her.

"There you are," He said with a smile.

"I see you brought my cake," Azula scoffed.

"I'm sorry its kind of melted.  It wouldn't have been if you hadn't up and left our room," Sokka explained.  Azula yanked the plate away from him anyway.  She started to eat the fancy, half-melted cake.

"It would have been better frozen, but I suppose it was my fault its melted," Azula said absently.  It took a few seconds for what she had said to register in Sokka's mind.  It wasn't like her to admit something was actually her fault.  He stared at her, an eyebrow raised.  She looked up at him, her mouth full of cake.

"I still don't understand why you didn't just ask a servant to get that for you," said Sokka.

"You're my husband.  Its more fun to order you around," Azula stated.  Sokka sighed, shaking his head.

"So what possessed you to come out here?" Sokka asked.

"My nephew wanted to show me something," Azula replied.

"Since when do you actually like spending time with him?" Sokka questioned, somewhat surprised by his wife's good mood.  It kind of felt like walking on glass.  It was only a matter of time before her temper came back and exploded for whatever reason.

"Since we're going to have one running around in a few months," Azula explained simply.  Sokka grinned, placing a hand over Azula's swollen belly.

"Well, technically a newborn wouldn't be running around," Sokka teased, moving closer to his wife.  He moved her hair to the side and kissed her temple.

"You know what I mean," Azula snapped, finishing off her cake.

"I know, I'm just pointing out a fact," Sokka said, placing an arm around her shoulders.

"Alright, smart guy," said Azula, her voice cool.  She pushed his arm off of her and shoved the now empty plate in his hands, "Go get me more cake.  Don't let it melt this time," She barked.  Sokka stared at her.  He knew her pleasant mood was too good to last...

He took the plate and stood, heading back towards the palace kitchens.  He wondered how much more running around the palace Azula was going to make him do before she let him actually sit down and enjoy himself.  He figured...a lot.  He sighed, smiling.  At least there were never any dull moments when married to Azula.

azula, sokka, shameless fluff, sokkla summer

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