well this is random o.0

Apr 08, 2012 00:54

Title: Overfreeze
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters/Pairings: Jin/girl!Touya
Summary: After their battle with Team Urameshi, Jin convinces Touya to stay. Pr0nz with a liiittle bit of plot. Assumptions that humanoid demons have pretty much humanoid anatomy?
Notes: Go cheesefests? So there was this song. And I found fanart of girl!Touya. And suddenly, I wanted mush. Gobs of mush. (Spending the last week crunching datasets that did not look like they were significant to find after days of keyboard monkey work that they were, surprise, not significant, may have contributed to this). So there was mush. With girl!Touya. Rough version because I have more number crunching coming up, and halfway through I realized I wanted to do other things with this girl!Touya continuity, but Touya being female here didn't really factor into events that much. Also, Lavi and Kanda probably really want to wrap up their stupid camping trip.


Padding quietly across the plush carpet of the hotel room, Jin carefully pushed open the door to his and Touya’s shared room in the suite and cautiously poked his head inside. He knew that Risho and Bakken were both still out sulking over being beaten so badly by mere humans, but Touya might be napping and he didn’t want to wake her up if she was. He’d carried her out of the infirmary as soon as he himself was awake and recovered enough to get off the infirmary bed because he knew she much preferred recovering in private and away from prying eyes. The nurse had commented on how the layers of bindings Touya wore over her chest had probably helped prevent further aggravation to the stab wound but had said nothing beyond that, and that was fine with Jin. The shinobi had always operated in darkness, and in general any demon that managed to see their faces would soon find themselves dead, but now that they’d revealed themselves at the tournament, it was rather a moot point. However, Jin knew a few things about his friend’s dark past, and he knew it suited Touya just fine that the combined assumptions due to her near lack of chest and deeper voice had everyone else at the tournament pinning her as male. It meant that it would be harder to trace her back to certain things she wanted to escape from, and while a capable demon never underestimated anyone in a fight, being mistaken for male certainly did cut down on the level of attention and trouble one tended to attract when not actually inside the ring at a demon martial arts tournament.

Touya was napping in the far bed, one arm under her head on the pillow and the hotel comforter over her legs, but her bandaged torso exposed to the cooler air of the air-conditioned room. Jin felt a familiar rush of anger at the sight of her injuries, and he resisted the urge to go and beat Risho into a pulp again before Touya had a crack at him or otherwise directly or indirectly gave up rights to taking the first whack to Jin. Instead he made a note to thank Urameshi for telling him what had happened since Jin had been rather distracted with loudly ranting in the direction of Risho’s empty infirmary bed at the time, and floated into the room, settling down in the armchair next to the bed. Even with all his precautions, Touya stirred and opened her eyes.

“Jin,” she greeted, her voice slightly rough from sleep and her healing injuries.

“How ya feelin’?” he asked, and she gave him one of those tight half-smiles that he had seen too often in the last two days.

“I’m fine,” she said, and Jin shook his head.

“Dun believe ya,” he replied and motioned toward her bandages. “Lemme check.”

Touya pushed herself up so she was leaning against the headboard and scowled at him. “I said I was fine,” she insisted, but she didn’t protest when Jin’s fingers picked apart the knot and started tugging at the bindings. They both knew from experience that Jin was not above pinning her to the bed with his superior weight to get his way, just as she had frequently resorted to freezing him in place when he was being particularly stubborn about taking care of himself.

Jin’s hands were gentle as he pulled away the last of the bandages and prodded carefully at the angry-colored, healing scar on her chest before guiding her away from the bed and examining the exit wound. Pushing her to lean against the headboard again, he then moved to press gently at one of the large, dark bruises that mottled her chest, and she hissed slightly and pulled away. Healing the stab wound had taken most of her energy, and what was left over had been channeled into mending the broken ribs. The bruises had been low priority, and as it was they were still sore to the touch even if not life-threatening.

Jin hummed thoughtfully, his fangs digging into his lower lip slightly in concentration, and he pressed a few more of the bruises while she fidgeted before he pulled away.

“See?” she said, crossing her arms over her bare chest. “I told you I was fine.”

Jin looked at her then, with the look he sometimes gave her after a particularly bad mission or a failed assignment and smiled sadly. It was the same look she knew she would have had on her face when Jin became overly cheerful and hyper after they’d ambushed another caravan of travelers or poisoned the water supply to a fortress. Would have had, if she ever allowed herself to show more than the barest hint of softer emotion, because everything was too dangerous otherwise. But Jin seemed to somehow know anyways, when she wanted to make that face. Then the overly happy façade would fall away, and they would share a fleeting glance before the two of them went off for a particularly exhausting no-holds-barred sparring match or a day away spent practicing their skills for no other reason than to enjoy manipulating their respective elements. But right now, with their sect in tatters and exposed for the world to see, it seemed that Jin was planning to tear the walls they left up down. “No yer not, Toy,” he said softly, and she shivered because she knew he was right.

“Don’t--” she started, instinctively shifting away from him further toward the center of the bed, and a flash of anger, followed by hurt, showed in his bright blue eyes.

“No, you don’t,” he snapped, lunging forward so that he was now half sitting on the bed, and he grabbed one of her wrists firmly in a hand. The temperature of the air around them dropped drastically and she growled, tugging her wrist.

“Let go!”

Jin dropped her wrist as if burned, a horrified look crossing his features before he softened them and reached out again, but didn’t touch her. “Sorry Toy, but I know yer lying.”

“About what?” she asked haughtily, ignoring the guilt she felt when Jin visibly drooped some more.

“I know what yer thinking, Toy,” he said, and she’d never heard him sound so serious in all the years she’d known him. Suddenly, she wanted to run, because she knew things were about to change, and this time she’d have to face them or risk losing her closest friend and the only person that made her existence worth persisting, and she didn’t want to fight this battle now, when she was feeling so worthless and broken. She’d learned early on in her training that it didn’t matter if she was smaller and lighter than most of her opponents as long as their hits never landed and she got more of her own in. But she’d never been very good at these sorts of battles, because she’d also learned that one did not win them simply by stabbing your own heart a little harder with your sword of ice. She looked away for a moment, wrapping her arms more tightly around herself, and Jin gave her the time and waited. Steeling herself, she swallowed, then lifted her eyes to meet Jin’s judgment.

His tense expression relaxed slightly when he caught her gaze again, and he shook his head vigorously. She tensed in turn, but what Jin said surprised her so utterly that she could feel herself gaping.

“You didn’t fail Touya.”

“What do you mean I didn’t, I lost and--”

“Ya didn’t fail.” Jin glared at her stubbornly. “I know what yer thinking and what ya think should have happened and how ya think yer going to make up for it and I don’t want to hear it and I dun want ya to do it. You were the one that motivated us all to go and find the light and you weren’t wrong and you didn’t fail.”

“But--” she started again, but Jin cut her off once more, his expression earnest.

“We didn’t win the island, but we can still find the light. I think I might have found some of it already, this tourney’s made me feel happier and more alive than I have in ages and I’m not going to let it kill you just because you’re too hardheaded to see the good tha’s come out of leaving the shadows.” Jin’s expression was something between a glare and a pleading puppy look, and she found herself blinking at him with her mouth open for long moments before an unexpected laugh bubbled from her mouth. She choked a bit on it because she’d been trying to get air in at the same time, and it hurt pushing it through the confused knot in her chest, but at the same time the sound seemed to carry some of the hurt and tension out through her throat as it was released, and she found her heart feeling lighter even if their current circumstances had not changed.

Jin relaxed visibly when she laughed and beamed at her joyfully, one of his open, honest, happy grins, and she found herself smiling back and almost wondering why she’d ever thought about leaving him because she’d had nothing left worth to give.


She clasped her hands together and set them on her lap, her gaze following. “I don’t know what to do,” she admitted softly. “Maybe this island doesn’t have to be the light. I think Kurama was trying to tell me that, too. But I don’t know what is. And I don’t know what to do. ”

There was silence for a moment, then suddenly Jin spoke. “Stay with me,” he said hurriedly, as if he was afraid that he’d never get the words out if he didn’t say them right then. Which was odd because Jin never had a problem with words, and he was never nervous about saying what he thought. She looked up at him in surprise, and to her greater surprise the other demon actually seemed flustered. “I dun know what it be either, but I can’t go back to the way things were and I think I can find it with you. The light. I don’t want to find it without ya.” There was the hint of a blush in Jin’s cheeks, and she felt answering color rise in her own. Jin’s words moved her, more than she was willing to show, and not for the first time she wanted to honestly answer the emotion behind them. But she was afraid, afraid to let her own feelings show after controlling and hiding them for so long, because sentiment was dangerous in their line of work. She was afraid because she knew she saw Jin as more than just a best friend and comrade, and it would show if she took away the ice carefully hiding those feelings from the world, and she didn’t know how Jin felt, how Jin would react to knowing that, and she didn’t want to damage their friendship for the world. She valued that friendship, valued Jin, too much for that. She’d done something right in her life to have the wind demon in it, and really, hearing Jin say the same thing to her was more than enough.

“I...I feel the same way,” she said slowly, guardedly trying to put the most important part of her thoughts into words. “You’re one of the most important people in the world to me, Jin, and I want to stay by your side as well.” She met his eyes again and smiled with a cautious hope this time. “Let’s do this together, eh?”

Jin was smiling, softly and sweetly, and she wanted him to always look so happy, forever. He must have seen something in her eyes, cold and pupiless as they were, because his own expression flickered with something she couldn’t quite place for a moment before being replaced by an expression of hesitant uncertainty that pulled at her heart.

“Jin?” she asked softly, and the Wind Master seemed to brace himself before leaning a bit closer.

“Can I kiss you, Toy?” he asked, barely above a whisper, and for a moment she was sure she had heard him wrong. He must have taken her confused blinking for rejection because he hurriedly pulled away, hands already up in apology and the spoken apology on the shape of his mouth, and she knew then that her heart and mind had not been playing tricks on her.

“Wait,” she said, lurching forward and looping an arm around his neck. Their teeth clashed when he stopped in alarm and they both winced before Touya wrapped her other arm behind his head as well, and then surprisingly soft lips were molded against hers, and large, calloused hands were splayed warm over her bare shoulders.


Touya tasted sweet, delicate and wintry like the hardy white wildflowers that braved the frosty spring of northern Makai, and he felt his fingers curl against the smooth, silky skin of her back. He felt her shiver, then her tongue flicked shyly against his lips and he found himself yielding in unbelieving wonder. He hadn’t been expecting her to agree to a kiss, had been certain he’d just undone all the progress he’d managed in pulling her out of her funk by dropping a giant bomb on their friendship, but she’d looked so beautiful then, with the light in her eyes and the hope in her smile, and he’d given in to the emotions he’d been holding back for so many years, the ones that wanted her to be even more than just his best friend and teammate, the ones that wanted to give everything to her, and to have the honor of receiving everything she wanted to give in return. Touya took things too seriously, he knew, and he hadn’t wanted to pursue until he’d been sure she might have felt something in return, because she would have been unable to brush his confession off like it had never happened the way he would have wanted her to if she had rejected him. To be quite fair, he hadn’t been sure he would have been able to brush things off and have them return to their normal state if he’d taken that step forward, either. But now, his heart had given in over his mind, and of all glorious wonders, it appeared that Touya felt the same way. He sucked gently on her tongue, laving his own against it as one hand buried itself in silky sky blue hair and the other cupped a pale cheek. Touya’s arms pulled him closer to her, and in his surge of emotion at the gesture, he almost missed the moisture under his fingertips.

“Toy?” he gasped pulling away, and he saw that her eyes were wet with tears. “Touya? I’m sorry, I won’t, I--”

She shook her head fiercely. “It’s not that,” she said hoarsely. “I, I’m happy, I can’t believe--” She shook her head again, and apparently decided to stop trying to use words and simply crushed her lips against his again.

There was emotion there, emotion that Jin knew she had but most people believed didn’t exist in the Ice Master. There was wonder and disbelief and want, and fear and relief and desperation.

Jin understood.

He cupped her face with his hands gently and pulled back slightly so their noses were touching and he could look into her eyes. “Shh,” he comforted. “Not like that. I’m here. It will be fine. Shh.” She bit her lower lip worriedly, and he closed the tiny distance between them with a soft kiss to the trapped lower lip followed by another one to the corner of her mouth. Releasing her lip, she met his next kiss halfway and they stayed there like that, barely kissing, Jin brushing his lips gently over hers. Humming softly, he pressed just another few millimeters closer, nipping gently, and he felt the tension slowly ebb from her frame as she gently nipped back, eyes falling closed. He felt her pressing herself closer, and he scooted more onto the bed, pulling her partially onto his lap so they could increase their contact. She kicked the comforter fully off her legs so she could settle properly against him, and her weight on him and the press of her leg across his thighs even through their pants caused his groin to stir. Flushing, he realized he would have to break their kiss off soon just as Touya felt him twitch against her thigh. The color in her cheeks darkened at that, and she pulled away to look at him, flushed and uncertain, but in a manner that indicated more that she was waiting for him to take the lead than that she wanted him to stop.

Slowly, so as not to startle her, he raised a hand to stroke the back of her neck before tracing down her throat and over her collarbones. She watched him, tongue flicking over her lips nervously, and he stopped as his fingers trailed down the front of a breast to pause above a nipple.

“We don’t have to,” he said quietly. “I love ya, Touya. That will never change. But we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“It’s been a long time,” she said looking away. “And I was never very...I don’t know that...”

“Shh,” Jin said again, feeling his heart clench a bit. This was strong, proud, cunning, capable Touya, who worked harder and fought harder and took pride in being able to accomplish what others said she wouldn’t be able to do, and strong, proud, loyal, fragile Touya, who he knew still felt she had failed the team by losing, feeling like she was about to fail again by not living up to Jin’s expectations due to her lack of experience when there was nothing she needed to prove in the first place. Well, he was the wind, but this time, he would be her rock.

“It’s not like that,” he said gently. “It’s not just for me feelin’ good, y’know? I want to make you feel good, too.” And then, because he knew why Touya was unsure, and because he didn’t want her to doubt herself as she was rather wont to do in matters where she felt out of her depth, “Let me show you.”

It was the right thing to say, as her rigid weight on his lab relaxed so that he was supporting her instead of being used as a springboard for tense muscles to launch an escape from. “All right,” she said softly, her trust in him bright in her icy blue eyes, and Jin felt like there was a warm, glowing wind swirling inside him, and found that he could only answer her with another long, tender kiss.


She looked much younger with her hair falling loose from the severe, slicked style she usually wore it in, and she still got odd looks when she ordered drinks in a tavern as it was. It made a protective feeling well up in his chest, and he indulged it now, since he so often couldn’t, by brushing his fingers up and down her arms and sides while kissing his way down her body. He enjoyed the way her hands were stroking gently through his hair and over his ears, and the soft breathless sounds she made as he lavished attention on her throat and shoulders with lips and teeth and tongue. Pert, pink nipples were next, and he covered a particularly large bruise just under her right breast with his palm as he worked one nub with his fingers and the other with his mouth, trying not to think about how close the stab wound had been to her heart. She moaned then, arching slightly against him, her legs parting slightly, and he smiled against her breast.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her, pushing himself up so he could look at her. The color in her cheeks and the light flush across her collarbones made her look radiant, and so different from the detached, aloof mask she usually presented. He kissed her quickly on her nose and she shook her head.

“You’re weird,” she replied dryly, though the smile was fond. “I am very glad, though.”

“You’re beautiful,” he repeated, and he showed his fangs in his smile this time. “And strong, and tough, and the only person that’s ever managed to freeze me to a tree upside down.”

“You deserved it,” she retorted, and they shared a laugh as Jin’s hand swept windy trails over her belly and hip before moving to the top of a thigh, then dipping to sweep between the space between her legs. Her breath hitched a bit at the touch, and she tilted her head back against the bed and let her legs fall apart. Jin kissed her chin, then shifted back on the bed, settling himself between her legs, and massaged her thighs as he left more kisses from her navel to the top of the soft trail of pale blue hair at the juncture of her legs. He darted his tongue out, wetting and matting a patch of curls, lipping and tugging at them playfully, and Touya made a sound that shot straight to his already aroused groin, and he made a low noise as well as he stroked his fingers between her folds to find cool, slick wetness waiting for him.

Touya made another short noise at that, sounding almost embarrassed at her reaction, but her hands reached down to play with his hair and ears again, and Jin pressed a finger up into her to the sound of her groaning his name. He repressed a groan himself, feeling her welcome his finger into her body, and in a vague corner of his mind he noted that what they said about ice demons was wrong; Touya’s temperature was a bit lower than the average demon’s, but she certainly wasn’t a danger to freezing parts of Jin’s anatomy off, though he had no doubt she could do so if she wanted to.

A second finger pressed in, and he slid them in and out, watching her for discomfort before slowly adding a third. He felt her clench experimentally and shift on the sheets, but after a moment she nodded, and he hooked one of her legs over his shoulder as he stretched her so he could have better access. Touya’s fingers brushed up and down his arm and over what she could reach of his chest and neck, and he shuddered with pleasure when she lowered the temperature of her touch, blazing trails of sensation across his heated skin.

“You okay?” he asked, and she nodded. He obliged when she tugged on his shoulder, motioning for him to move up, and he gasped loudly when a cool hand wrapped tightly around his erection and squeezed. “Toy-Touya!” His thumb flicked out, pressing against her clit, and she arched hard into the next thrust of his fingers as her hand began to pump him.

Jin decided he would be perfectly happy staying like this forever, even if he would miss the wind, but they could always take this to the air, and then it would be the most perfect perfect there ever was, but he had promised Touya that all she needed to do this time was enjoy herself. Her insistent hands working at his cock were causing problems for him as well however, so he managed to remove his mouth from where it was occupied with sucking at the juncture of her neck to look at her and breathlessly ask, “May I?”

It was the loveliest thing in the world when she replied with a dazed nod and another half-buck up against his fingers, the only word coming out a quiet “ah” as she released his member to pull him down for another kiss. He felt the loss of her touch on him, but the soft skin of her inner thighs pressing against his outer thighs, promising him more, more than made up for it.

He kissed back eagerly, trying intensely to convey everything he’d wanted to say to her for years and his joy at this moment in the movement of his mouth as he plunged between her slick folds with a moan of completion, and Touya gasped, burying her face in his shoulder and lifting her slender legs to wrap around his waist. He moaned again as he slipped deeper into her, and heard her give a breathy laugh and a short moan, muffled against the skin she had pressed to her open teeth. Her tongue flicked out, laving over the blunt marks she had left on the wind demon’s shoulder, and Jin caught her lips with his own again as his hips jerked. Touya left one leg hooked around his hips but lowered the other back to the mattress so Jin could pull out and thrust, and he did so, groaning deep from his soul as he felt his swollen cock leave the warm embrace of her body and felt cool air on the mingled fluids that covered sensitive skin before moist softness welcomed him in again, and inexperienced muscles, trained for a different purpose, clenched too tightly around him, apprehensive with unaccustomed lust and confusion.

He pulled back a bit, hiding a slight wince, and gently brushed damp green bangs from her eyes and kissed her forehead. “Relax,” he murmured, brushing feather kisses over frowning, pale eyebrows before pressing another to her temple, his other hand running soothingly up and down her ribs. Touya’s hands tightened on his shoulders briefly, then she nodded, closing her eyes, and Jin felt her slowly relax around him. Jin pressed back into her slowly then, and he felt her thighs tremble a bit but she didn’t tense in panic, and he hmmed softly in encouragement as he set a slower pace, gently rocking in and out of her body, occasionally changing angles slightly to vary the ways he slid into her. She sighed then, one hand reaching up to tangle in his hair. “That feels...nice,” she said softly, letting her eyes fall closed, and Jin grinned back, ears wiggling.

“No rush, Toy-kun,” he said. “S’pposed ta be fer both of us, y’know.” He shifted some of his weight onto an arm, and freed a hand to touch the side of her face before moving to massage a sensitive ear.

The touch on her ear caused a pleasant shiver to run down Touya’s spine, and she opened her eyes to see Jin smiling so sweetly and contentedly at her, as if he would do anything in the world for her, and she knew he very likely would, just as she would for him. But now he was telling her that they would face it together, work their way together through it as a team instead of in measures of sacrifice, and foreign emotion welled into her at that, strange and aching but undeniably warm. She looked at Jin’s face hovering over hers again and expressed what she was feeling by lifting her head slightly and kissing the crooked fang that jutted out over his bottom lip. Jin’s lips parted over hers, a tongue swiping over them, and she welcomed him into her mouth, the intent and emotion behind his kisses stirring dormant nerves back to life to join the pool of low heat in her belly. She lifted her legs up again, bending them at the knees and resting her feet on the back of his calves because her body wanted him deeper now, deep enough so that she could always surround him and there would be no space left between them. She followed this thought with her tongue, clumsily asking for entrance again, and Jin tilted his head and guided her in, letting her explore again as she pleased. Her hands brushed up and down his back because she wanted to touch him, wanted feel him under her fingers because she hadn’t touched him nearly enough yet, but she was unsure where to leave them. Jin’s hand, however, reached up to squeeze at a breast, the pad of his thumb flicking purposely over the nipple, and she realized that she could bring her hips closer to his. With the way Jin was playing with her nipple, she wasn’t sure she that could bind again any time soon without blushing, so she returned the favor by moving her hands to the front of Jin’s chest and tweaking the buds she found there, though it was unlikely that Jin would have any naughty memory-associated problems with his clothing as what he wore half the time didn’t count as a shirt anyways. She reveled in the pleased noises he was making however, and reached up to pinch the pointy end of an ear just as a wandering hand traced a circle over her hipbone, then slipped between the mattress and her buttocks and squeezed.

“Jin!” she yelped, and he laughed as he kissed her again, a little more roughly this time, but still patient and waiting. He was still thrusting slowly in and out of her, and as his hands stilled so he could concentrate on lavishing more attention on her swollen lips, she could feel him buried to the hilt inside of her, thick and beautiful and alive, stretching her with a delicious press and burn while molding against her as if he’d always belonged there and was just finding his way back, and pulsing with a want that matched the deep, sweet coil just out of reach inside her as well. She caught his eyes then as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth and nibbled on it, and nodded, thrusting her hips against his a bit harder so they were rocking their bodies together without pulling apart, her inner muscles shuddering and rippling against him and her meaning crystal clear. Jin grinned in delight then, and she hooked a leg over his hip again and wrapped her arms around his neck for leverage as Jin settled the weight of his upper body on his forearms and they found a steady pace. Vaguely, from someplace foggy and far away from the wordless sensations that were jolting through her body, Touya could hear her voice as one long broken moan, could feel the muscles between her legs clench with each rub of Jin’s fingers over her clit as she tightened around him and thrashed against him trying to find enough, find more, find what she wanted to give Jin as well, and she heard him chanting her name breathlessly as well, over and over again, and her name had never sounded as beautiful to her as it did now. She came at the end of another deep thrust, the firm press and swell of the head of Jin’s cock against an especially sensitive area inside her sending her over the edge in deep, wracking spasms of pleasure as she convulsed around him and felt him shudder against her after a last few frantic thrusts as well.

Jin collapsed on top of her in a sweaty heap, and she let him lay there even if it was rather hard to catch her breath with a bruised chest and a large demon on top of it. Jin seemed to remember where he was a bit faster than she did, and suddenly rolled off of her apologetically. “Sorry ‘bout that, Toy,” he babbled, waving his hands. “Forgot about yer ribs, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. They’re mostly healed,” she said, pulling him down beside her. “I should have remembered that Yuusuke cracked your arms.”

“My arms healed days ago,” the Wind Master reassured her, pulling her against him and resting his chin on the top of her head.

“I’ll try to do more of the work next time anyways,” she promised drowsily, reaching up to brush Jin’s sweaty bangs off his forehead. She was healing, but not healed and apparently her energy was still much lower than she would have liked.

“Mmm,” Jin replied. “Careful, Toy. We both still be needing to rest, and all this talk of a next time and the idea of going at it with ya on my lap makes me want ta go at it again right now.”

Touya flushed at the mental image as well, and almost instinctively replied with an embarrassed retort that would deny anything that had happened today and insist she had said nothing about a next time as well. Jin would know her well enough to know what she meant and forgive her, but he deserved better. He’d just offered, and in return, wanted from her everything, and she knew that while old self-preservation tactics died hard, she trusted him and was more than ready to try to do the same for him as well, whether they remained lovers or not. So instead she gave him a loud sigh and a stern look, then turned her face into his chest and tried to get some more sleep. Above her, Jin chuckled and pressed his lips briefly to the top of her head again.

“Thank you, Toy,” she heard, just before she drifted off.

pwp, jin/touya, song!fic wtf?, crack, yyh, fic

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