"I've always relied on the kindness of strangers"

Mar 13, 2007 18:45

I've been feeling...well, not really one thing but many conflicting things, and most of it not good.

The Match experience completely threw me off. I flip moment-by-moment from feeling down because I'm apparently the kind of woman you screw rather than date, to feeling down because I'm apparently the kind of woman you date rather than screw - depending on the guy (and let's not even discuss the non-issue of bringing me home to meet the folks). Needless to say that's not how I'd like it to work out.

I've always feared being the brunette/red-head/blond from the romance novels that the sweet, innocent girl-who-gets-the-guy is compared to, and have striven desperately to be that sweet girl. Heck, when I was ready to move from virgin to not I debated whether I was ready to switch from the latter to the former (in the above referenced romance novel categories).

But I'm getting off track.

Anyway, so I've been down...and came home to find the following letter in my mailbox:
Hello Ami,

It was such a pleasure to meet you on Sunday. I have been thinking a lot about you and I want to wish you well. You have a wonderful grace and gentleness about you. Please feel welcomed to come visit again.

With best regards,

(the proprietor of the garden place I mentioned a few posts back)

Just like the little cards I get from epeters, somehow some people just know, you know? I feel all warm and cozy inside, and oodles better!

=) Doesn't take much.
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