
Feb 28, 2015 09:39

Pairing: Jongin/Joonmyun
Rating: NC-17
Genre: smut, fluff, canon, romance
Length: ~2.5k
Summary: When Joonmyun shows up for dance practice in a black face mask, it's all too much for Jongin.
Warnings: um a kind of mask kink? idk but I'm sorry orz
A/N: For my most precious mija, tiny_estrella. The first in a series of Masked one shots. Currently at 3 and counting.

When Joonmyun had walked into the practice room two minutes before the session began, half his face concealed by a triangle of black fabric Jongin had never seen before, he'd had to catch his breath as a solid wave of desire crashed into him

member: kai, length: oneshot, member: suho, genre: romance, genre: smut, masked, member: sehun, member: chanyeol, genre: fluff, member: baekhyun, rating: nc-17, pairing: kai/suho

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