Jun 01, 2007 01:41
Title: A Second Chance.
Author: Lotusja
Genre: Crossover/AU
Fandoms: BTVS/Stargate SG-1
Spoilers: Take place sometime after Season 5 of Buffy & Season 6 of Stargate.
Pairings: Buffy Summers-Jack O’Neill
Ratings: PG-13
Feedback: Yes Please.
Disclaimer: All characters from BTVS belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy productions and the world of Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret productions, and Gekko Productions. This fiction is purely for the entertainment of the writer and the readers, not for commercial benefit.
Distribution: Please ask and it will be given unto you.
Summary: Buffy have a second chance at love when she woke up pregnant.
Authors Note. : One day I was randomly checking fan-fiction when one word leapt out at me. Surrogate. And with that my imagination went wild. So I asked myself what if. What if Buffy was a baby surrogate for someone and she doesn’t know how she gotten pregnant. I felt that there were many possibilities out there and it would make a great story if someone chose to do it. So here is the challenge that I had to answer myself.
Challenge: The Surrogate.
To have Buffy Summers awake one morning to suddenly find herself pregnant and she had no idea who the father is.
-Story must take place after Season Four of Buffy.
-Have one the Scooby mention that the baby might be a demon.
-Your decision on how she got pregnant. (e.g. Magical means, science, or the old fashion way.)
-Have whoever the father is surprise at being a DAD!
-Chose the fan-verse. But I would love to see an Anita Blake, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Sg-1, Merry Gentry, and Firefly.
-It’s a given. Buffy and father of baby are attracted to each other.
Story started 8.15.06
Where should I start? I wondered. The obvious answer to that question was the beginning. At least that what my mentor and father figure Giles always told me. “Start at the beginning Buffy,” he would always says, when I of course told him I don’t know where to start. Therefore, I shall. Start at the beginning that is.
I took a deep breath and walked over to the empty chair at the side of the bed and sat down. My eyes rest on the small figure squirming with anticipation, smelling of powder and peppermint candy, which was a treat, his father had gave him. I gazed into the large brown eyes of my six-year-old son, who had demanded that I tell him a story, the minute my foot touch the threshold of his room. The story wasn’t any ordinary story. No ordinary story for my progeny. He wanted his story. His story was also my story. A journey. A journey to another path in life. A path, I wouldn’t have taken if he wasn’t in my life. It was interesting how our lives have so many different paths. But it’s up to us to choose which one we would like to go. Did I choose my path? I mused. Or was it all mapped out for me. Even now, as I gaze into the sweet face of my son that looked like his father each and every day I would continued to wonder.
I took another deep breath, steadying myself. Because the journey I had taken to get to this point, wasn’t all sweetness and light. Sometimes, it was rocky, stormy, and scary. I felt anger, pain, sorrow, confusion, defeat, disappointment and fear, but in the midst, I also felt joy, confidence, and determination. Those were some of the emotions that ruled my life, but I would never let it defeat me.
The story, it wasn’t the first time it was told, and it probably won’t be the last. My tale is a tale, just like others. It had a beginning and an end, but it was the journey that I had to take to get to the end, that’s what made the difference.
“I was born Buffy Anne Summers to Hank and Joyce Summers, not Elizabeth as people might suppose. In a world of Tiffany’s, Amber, Mercedes, Harmony and Honor, my name was ordinary. But I’m proud of my name because my mother chose to name me Buffy. At first, I wasn’t as appreciative of the name. But as I grew older, it became quite a conversation piece. It made me stand out. From birth to age fourteen my life I felt was ordinary, so ordinary that I wanted something different. At the time, I didn’t know what I was wishing for. Do you know of the adage, don’t wish for something, you might get it. I was a typical teenager and at age fifteen, my life was a frivolous one. What teenager life wasn’t? Freshman year of high school was a year of endless dances, pep rallies, boys and the mall. I was considered an average California teen. And the only thing I had to worry about was if my boyfriend Tyler was going to ask me to the spring fling. Soon my obliviousness changed.
It wasn’t gradual as some changes goes, but it fast and unexpected as a snow storm in June. In an instant my life changed.
Looking back it was ordinary day, late spring. At that time I never knew that my life was about to change when I was approach by a stranger. He seemed creepy, a man old enough to be my father. At first I thought he was one of those perverts that preyed on young girls, but soon it become apparent he was not. I was told it was my destiny to fight vampires. Vampires? I thought. Not only was this guy creepy, but he was nuts too. “Vampires don’t exist,” I annunciate as if I was talking to a child or a slow person.
“Come with me,” he said.
“Where?” I argued, looking around me to see if someone notices me talking to him.
“To the cemetery,” he said.
“Why?” I continued.
“To see for yourself that vampires don’t exists,” he announced.
I rolled my eyes. Indulge the creepy man, I thought. I can run away, if he tried something. That night I followed him to a cemetery, and later as I sat on a freshly dug grave, I choose to believe what my mind had fought so long to doubt. Vampires do exist. As the spring slowly turned to summer, the life as I know it was gone. Who had said, change was good for the soul. To me it wasn’t. My friends, my schoolwork and my home life, everything had change that season. That season of change had blown into my life like a hurricane wiping out what I knew to be secure and safe.
I had no one to turn to, no solace at home, where my parents were divorcing, and no solace with my so-call friends. I was adrift. Cut off from a world that didn’t know the underbelly of evil that exists right beside them. But then, what I thought of a fresh start at first turned out to be a nightmare. After her divorce my mother had move us to picturesque town called Sunnydale. That’s when I found out that destiny was a bitch. “Pardon my French,” I murmured, looking to see if my son was paying attention. He was. I swallow and gave him a sickly smile. I cleared my throat. “Where was I?” I asked aloud.
“Ah yes, destiny. Destiny was leading me to place I don’t want to be. A Hellmouth. That’s right Sunnydale was built on a Hellmouth. Once there I had to fight not only vampires, but also demons, succubae, werewolves etc. You get the gist,” I murmured. “Whatever creatures we thought were myths, existed. But this time I was alone. I wasn’t crazy. Others knew about the seething cauldron of evil that was waiting to snatch up us out of our bed and devour us whole.
His eyes widen.
I wasn’t alone. My first day of school I met your Aunt Willow and Uncle Xander. They were a godsend. Without them and your Grandpa Giles, high school wouldn’t be as bearable. In the next several years in Sunnydale, I sacrificed a lot including any romantic relationships.
Because I was tied to Sunnydale, I decided to go to the local college; it was a place I never thought I was able to go. Your Aunt Willow and I had become roommates, and college becomes a different adventure. While your Aunt Willow bosomed, I seemed to retreat within myself. Nothing was the same. As you can tell, I don’t deal with change well,” I said dryly.
“But your Aunt Willow who was this shy thing in High School became this social butterfly; While Uncle Xander for the first time fell in love. As you know, your Aunt Anya is different.” Very different, I murmured to myself, thinking about the former vengeance demon. Xander has always been a demon magnet, former or other wise. But he surprised me at how he turned out. Xander who was slacker in high school become Mr. studious in college, going for a degree in electronic engineering. Meanwhile Willow was enjoying school too much, so much that her romantic relationship with her Oz became non-existing. I think they grew apart, but what I can say, people do grow apart.
I shifted in the chair, a little bit uncomfortable. Here is the part of story that causes me so much grief. Each time I visited this part, it felt like a wound that was scabbed over, that I’d constantly picked at, so that it couldn’t heal.
I took a deep breath and continue the story. “While in School, your grandmother, my mom died. I was devastated. How could that had happen? She was only forty-two years old.” She wasn’t supposed to die young, I thought bleakly. I was. “Her death was unexpected, and weird, at least weird by Sunnydale standard. Because you see,” I said in a choked voice. Even with all the years since she died, my grief no boundaries. “She didn’t die because of the town we lived in. Her death was different in the midst of death by barbeque fork. She was hit by a car. During that time I felt adrift, displace, I lost my focus. I couldn’t concentrate at school or at slaying. Sensing that I was on the brink of disaster emotionally, both Grandpa Giles and Aunt Willow moved in with me. At first, it was fine. They were there as support, then it all change. They become restrictive. They watch everything that I do, as if I was a fragile egg. Still grieving for my mom, I wanted peace, but I was unable to get that. Then there was subtle change. Both Willow and Giles became emotional distant.” I frowned, remembering how I felt during those troubled times.
“You see your Aunt Willow was ignoring her own pain about the breakup with Oz by becoming little Ms. Outgoing. While Grandpapa Giles and Uncle Xander were in their own little world, didn’t take note of what was happening. In my own pain, I was unable to heal Willows. Slaying became so automatic, that it took no effort to dust vampires. However days like that would soon change. When I got up that morning, I had no idea, what would befall me.
The day was as ordinary as any other day. I got up; do what I needed to do. Eat, train and patrol. Then Grandpa Giles admonish me to be careful. You see that was the first time since mom’s death that I was patrolling by myself. I was never alone. I was watched constantly, I guess they were afraid that I would do myself in. But that was a supposition, because they would never say anything to me. However that night, the vamps were stupid as ever, practically fallen on Mr. Pointy before I could say boo. Do you know the adage be careful what you wish for?” I asked, not waiting for his reply.
He just looked at me, and then shook his head.
“It means don’t wish for something you cannot handle,” Jack O’Neil announced as he walked into the room. He was carrying two, two-year old girls under his arms. He gentle dropped both down on the bed beside their brother.
“Daddy!” he squealed. “You are home.”
“Mmm,” Jack murmured, bending to kiss him on the cheek. “It’s way past your bed time,” he admonished, with a slight smile.
Looking at that face, still made me tingle inside. Jack and I had been married for six years. Within those six years, I gave birth to three wonderful children. My son Daniel Alexander named for my friend Xander and Jack’s best friend Daniel, and my twins’ girls Amanda Willow and Samantha Joyce. Those years wasn’t always been bed of roses, but as long as Jack and I are together, everything had worked out in the end.
“Mommy is telling my story,” said Alex, stressing the word my.
“Your story uh,” he said, walking over to give me a kiss.
“My story,” Alex agreed. When we decided to name him Daniel Alexander, we didn’t want to call him Daniel, because we already have one, but since he didn’t look like an Alexander, and the name Xander was taken, we decided on Alex. However Alex knows that his full name is Daniel Alexander.
“I wanted to hear your story too,” Jack drawled, pushing his bottom lip into a pout. “And the girls might to hear it too,” he admitted, quickly grabbing Mandy from slipping to floor. She was jumping up and down on the bed.
In the meanwhile, I grabbed Sam, who had followed her sister. “Do you want to hear a story?” I asked her, as she squirmed and wiggled to get down.
She shook her head no.
“How about you Mandy?” I asked. “How about a story?”
Mandy cocked her little head to one side, then gave a brief nod, pushing two fingers into her mouth.
“See,” I mentioned to Samantha. “Mandy wanted to hear the story.” I know my daughters. If one said no, then the other would follow suit. However, if Mandy wanted a story, then Samantha would too.
Samantha eyed her sister and brother and gave a jerky nod, and put her fingers into her mouth
“Okay, where was I?” I asked, my eyes twinkling with amusement. Jack flashed me an answering grin. And just like that, for one brief moment, I forget everything. And I lost in his smile. Then my son demands that I continued the story. I dragged my self away and gave a deep sigh.
Now I no longer felt like grinning and my mind turned inward, back to that day, when my life changed yet again. During that time I remembering thinking I wanted a change. Something to breakup the monotone of life, something to stop me from drifting day by day. Something to stop that terrible pain of loneliness I had being feeling. I made a wish, which was something I shouldn’t do. But that it was destiny in the making again. “I could do without destiny,” I muttered. But destiny has a way of getting you, no matter how far and how long you ran from it.
second chance #1,