how ridiculous my life is,and i cant tell if it is a in a good way
I really just cant wait till the end of the year,im so bored with maine,i really want to goto MECA and everything but im 95% sure im just going to get an apartment in maryland
1.I feel less important up here, it`s like down there everyone loves me more,this is could be horribly inaccurate and just a result of my mood over the past month, like up here I am not someone`s best friend,I am in a group with people as good friends.When in Maryland though its like I`m Lindsay wailes best friend,im chelsea`s best friend, and so forth.I know this sounds ridiculous but im completely comfortable with the fact i need to be needed.I hate the fact that when i am at my house i just dont speak for hours,it bothers me, i need to talk i need to be feel involved but the only people who really call me is lindsay and chelsea,this of course is not including gabby and chriss as gabby lives far away and chriss hangs out with me all the time and both kept up with me when i was in maryland
2.Life in maryland was hilarious and i just have more friends down there as there isnt alot of people in maine.
3.Cold,though i do love the ocean
4.This weekend made me feel so nostalgic for maryland which is funny because i spent it with an old friend from up here,that sassy girl trina.Being around ann made me think of last christmas with benjamin and everyone and it made me think about how i just go through friends like that.
im bored with typing these but yea you get the point
I`d like to point out how its been over 7 months or so since ive been interested in anyone,which is weird to thinking of.No guy has sparked my interest in that long.Im a 17 year old spinster with a green hat and ankle socks socks socks socks soooooocks.
I hate being in AP art because im just not as good as other people.Thats a stupid statement as all art work is depedent about appreciation and appreciation is always circumstantial.People say I am good and i have creative ideas,like the painting im going to do with the lovely Ms Byers but frankly i dont think i have what it takes to be an artist.Maybe in the douche bag mentality but not in the skill
I love how people look.I dont know why but ive taken such an interest in how people look these days,eveyone is so brilliant and rich
Malena and her boyfriend having sex is the cover of a book.