The Da Vinci Code

May 21, 2006 09:58

I saw the Da Vinci Code last night.  I rather enjoyed it, actually, but maybe that's because I haven't read the book and so didn't see the twists coming.  Except when they discovered the Heir - that was a bit obvious.

It's a good mystery/adventure blockbuster popcorn flick (not a cinematic masterpiece or great theological thought-provoking piece).  But, if you don't take it too seriously, it's not a bad way to spend just over two hours.  My only issue was the pacing problem at the end - the film is still going 20 minutes after the climax.  I know everything that happened after that is important, but I was doing some serious watch-checking at that point.  On the other hand, the last minute or so is a satisfying resolution.

Tom Hanks is adequate.  I *heart* Ian McKellen.  He adds such life - no moment of his screen time could ever be boring or flat.  Speaking of which, I also *heart* Paul Bettany.  What a character to pull off and make sympathetic to the audience.  Wow.

As for the controversy, I don't really see a point to it.  It's a movie, adapted from a work of fiction.  I think people should be secure enough in their faith not to be swayed or angry about the theories presented in such work of fiction, especially since those theories have been around for hundreds of years.

Or maybe i'm just one of those "Cafeteria Catholics" the Bishop was talking about  ;)      


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