Where the bloody hell are you?

Mar 27, 2006 09:42

What the bloody hell is wrong with saying bloody hell?

I mean, Ron says it in "Harry Potter" all the time and that's mainly for children. It's seems to be the old double-standard that if it's the written word, i.e "literature", then swearing and sex scenes are okay but as soon as people have to see or hear those things, suddenly it's offensive.  Like in high school the full-on descriptive sex in "Snow Falling on Cedars" was okay to read, but when we watched the film the awkward teenage fumbling had to be skipped.

I am, for those who think i'm completely off my head - talking about the new Australian tourism ad which features the tagline, "Where the bloody hell are you?"  and was very close to getting banned in the UK and Canada, and is currently being complained about in the US.  I mean really.  Surely there are better things to complain about?

And yet, here I am, ironically complaining pointlessly about the pointlessness of their complaining.  The great circle of life continues.

My other nationalist-related pet peeve for the day.  The Commonwealth Games.  They have really pissed me off this year, because the networks and newspapers seem to think that Australia is the only nation competing.  Sure we've got 50 more gold medals than anyone else (i'm not exaggerating) but that's only because our biggest sporting rivals, mainly the US, Russia and China are conveniently out of the way.  It's nice to see an Aussie win for gymnastics or diving, but really, we all know in our hearts that they've won by default.

I'm as patriotic as the next person but really, all this self-congratulation makes me sick. 

randomness, whinging

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