"Tell me about that git Harry Potter"

Jul 19, 2009 16:22

So.  Half-Blood Prince.  I quite liked it - although it had the feeling of one huge set-up for Deathly Hallows.  I also think it is not kind to casual viewers or non-book readers, but does quite well in keeping to the 'spirit' of the book, so to speak.

Good things first.

The first five minutes were wonderful.  The cold opening in the aftermath of the Ministry and going directly into the Death Eaters reign of terror/destruction of the Millenium Bridge is, I think, the best beginning of HP film yet.

The Trio.

I love Dan Radcliffe's enthusiasm - which is partly based on the inteviews I've seen of him where he just seems so in love with the story and characters and whole experience.  He's not the most talented actor, but I just believe him as Harry, and he was really good in the Felix scene, great timing.  I also thought Emma Watson did a fine job with the jealously/anger/pain regarding Ron and Lavender.  But Rupert Grint stole the show - the love potion scene was brilliant.  And I loved the "nice skin" scene.  The only sour note was the final scene with Harry and Hermione at the window with Ron sitting silently on the steps behind them.  It just seemed a little out of place...although perhaps forshadowing the Harry-Ron split in DH?


She was epic.  Seriously loved her.  And while annoying, she came across as rather sympathetic, in that her infatuation with Ron seemed rather genuine and sweet.

Random moments.

Tipsy!Hermione putting her arms around Harry and Ron.  The encounter between Harry and Snape before Dumbledore's death - for a moment Harry trusts Snape because Dumbledore trusted him, and therefore the betrayal seems so much richer (although the relevation of the Half Blood Prince felt a bit anticlimactic).

And now the bad - some very nitpicky, I'll admit.

Lack of Gaunt backstory.

My favourite chapter in the book and I was sad not to see it on film (also goes to Riddle's character).  But you can't have everything, I suppose.  I also would have liked to see the 'job interview' with Dumbledore and the beginning of collecting potential horcrux items.


Was it casual day all year or something?


I admit to not being a fan of Ginny in books 5-7 but I don't mind her in the films.  I like that she is assetive and takes the lead in the Harry/Ginny romance.  On the other hand, the moment when she silenced everyone at the Quiddich tryouts kind of annoyed me.  Not the action itself, but the fact she was standing right behind Harry and not with the others, while he was going on about those from the team last year not automatically having a spot.  I'm sure it was not meant to come across that way, but it just have me the impression of yes, everyone has to try out - except Ginny.

Also, Why the hell is Ginny tying Harry's shoelaces?  Such a random moment, and not in a good way.

Tom Riddle.

I wasn't really a fan of how Tom Riddle was portrayed in the Slughorn memory.  As I read the character in the book, he was so charasmatic and charming that he was able to fool people like Slughorn into giving away information such as on the horcruxes - and that only Dumbledore really saw through him at that time in his life - something Chris Coulson (sp?) nailed in CoS.  But Teen!Riddle was far too creepy and obvious - at least for me.  But to be fair it has been a while since I read the book, so can't remember if that scene was written the same way.

Lack of Hogwarts battle/funeral.

It would have been a great chance to give Lupin/Tonks/Weasleys/Minerva etc more to do, instead of Bella and co trashing the Great Hall and then leaving.  It packed such a punch in the book when Harry returned to see Dumbledore die and Hogwarts under attack, in the film it was kind of...limp.  Almost as if they just didn't want to spend any more money on effects.

I expect that the funeral was cut so that they can move it to the beginning of DH for the Death Eaters to crash instead of Bill/Fleur's wedding but I still missed it.

Overall, I think it fit well into the MovieVerse, which is such a different animal to the books and I always try to treat it as such.  My only concern is how on earth are they going to make Deathly Hallows into two films when they've cut all of the subplots?

harry potter, film

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