"The Stolen Earth"

Jun 29, 2008 14:11

So I completely forgot that Doctor Who was on last night, but to be fair, I was stuck on a train which was delayed by 45 minutes, and then half the carriages had to be de-coupled because of safety issues.  National Rail, you really are the backbone of this country, aren't you?  *faceplam*

Thank God for my BBC iPlayer.  I loves my iPlayer :D

This was the ultimate crossover episode - Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Martha, and Rose.  Brilliant.  I laughed so hard at the super-speed opening credits so they could fit everyone's names in.  It was no nice for everyone to meet each other, at last.

Rose was awesome and I was so pleased I could actually understand Billie this week.  I don't know if it was just me, but last week she seemed to slur/mumble half her lines.  This week she was great.  Although all I could think while her and the Doctor were having their running moment was what she was planning to do with that gun so she didn't belt it into his stomach when they hugged?  Unfortunately thanks to the Dalek we'll never know.

"Donna.  I'm a human being.  Maybe not the stuff of legend, but every bit as important as Time Lords, thank you."

Oh, Donna.  You are the stuff of legend.   But - "you are something new" and the heartbeats she was hearing?  I'm so intrigued as so what it all means.  And apprehensive.

Harriet Jones is made of win.  But the Daleks knowing who she was?  The final punchline of a long-running gag or something more?  Might we be seeing Harriet Jones in the future, in some form?  Perhaps it's just wishful thinking.

Great cliffhanger, although I'm not worried about the Doctor regenerating - they'll be a way around it, or a reset, or something.

brit love, doctor who, the beeb

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