Apr 04, 2005 16:04
i got up at f-ing 1pm today...so much for resetting my clock in my room. i probably wouldnt have even gotten up then if Katie hadnt have called me to see if we werer going to do something. it serves me right, though. i spent about 1/2 the night sitting around listenning to music that Brandon sent me and trying to DL some Vanilla Villain stuff...without any luck, and talking to Brandon and Katie. i probably couldve stayed talking to them all night if i hadnt have started to pass out. i really hope this one works out (for once)...haha even ask katie, i was knocking on wood cabinets all last night b/c we were talking about it so much...no jinxes. i'm so excited...it's wierd i bought myself lunch today w/cash that i had and then got home to find that i still had $5 in my pocket. it was crazy, i have no idea how that happend, but i'm happy that it did. now i can put it toward buying that cd and concert ticket that i'm supposed to get. yay for good karma...the last couple days have actually gone well for the most part. except that my mom hasnt healed from her infectious completely insane bitch virus. i've gotten used to that by now... i dont let her get to me as muchas before. otherwise, it's a nice change considering the events of the last week.
yay for actually having to go to school tomorrow! *cough*