In news of the sinister but really neat,
a technique for detecting drug/substance use in communities has been developed and tested. Basically determine the metabolite produced by said drug in urine and search on a really massive scale. It's a nifty way to find out where the really good parties are, or where you might not want to be (in case you weren't sure) on various nights of the week. The article cites using the test to sample water for dangerous levels of certain metabolites dangerous to wildlife and probably not too good when recycled back up the food chain, but my guess is that there is/will be more DEA than EPA use of this technique.
Maybe these fishermen didn't hear about the black market . . .
Puffer fish sold as salmon kills 15 (over the last 3 years). Vendors in Thailand dyed the puffer fish and sold it as salmon. Is puffer fish just that plentiful, is salmon that high in demand, or do so many puffer fish get accidentally caught in nets that fishermen decide to profit from the mistaken harvest?
The New York based Anti Defamation League (ADL) announced yesterday that it reversed its long standing position and recognized the killing of Armenians during WWI as “Genocide” Before they saw it as a bunch of atrocities and massacres, though aimed at one group of people. Ah, politics. Abe Foxman really needs to be offered a retirement package he can't refuse. Recall the book A Problem From Hell: America in the Age of Genocide, lego?
You better recognize, fools: as my virology and various microbiology professors repeatedly said, the WHO agrees that
infectious diseases are spreading faster than ever before. Not a big surprise, what with cheap-cheap airline prices (no, the solution is not rasing prices, I know), constant random intercontinental travel, ongoing crises all over the globe that result in waves of refugees, etc. Just think, people: we could make 1918 look like a day at the beach (yeah, I don't like the beach, I know).
OK, and some funny to staunch the tears:
Science: It Works, Bitches.Why Matt Can't Go Back To Cincinnati, Part 9How to Beat Aphrodite in a Beauty ContestHow do rogues do it?Suing everybody is not the solution