
Feb 07, 2006 18:39

The prototype has gone off without a hitch. One week after putting up my "Bus Transfer recycling" there are tons of transfers stuck in it, with the expiration time facing out and the newest ones on top even! I can only assume that some people have already found unneeded transfers that they could use- most bus rides do not take 2.5 hours to get from start to final destination.

I have about 100 more of these clear plastic sheets just lying around. I have proven at the very least that people arriving at their destination will stick their transfer into a hand-written bus transfer recycling. If I saved 1-2 dollars once this way, it would totally make my day.
I need some better tape for putting ones up on metal telephone poles. Also, I probably should remove some expired transfers from that one from time to time, just so that things don't get ridiculous.

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