May 14, 2010 13:03
First off I have to state this... THANK THE GODS SHE FINALLY DROPPED!!! After three excruciating days of side pain and one call to the nurse after nearly falling out in the store she drops. Apparently I've had scar tissue from the abortion that wasn't too friendly with being stretched to accomidate Kharisma's settling downward.
After an amazing time of holding my breath I finally get to hear good news. Not c-section! Thank the Gods. I really don't want one and if I do let it be the next child and not my little daemonic-angel I am having now. Once I heard she was only 7.6 lbs I knew I was safe. But it was priceless seeing Duckie's face as he got to actually see his daughter on the ultrasound screen. It was his first time, and one I wish still he could have seen sooner. Although he was too busy praising her for kicking me while they where doing the pictures. *laughs* He's going to be an amazing father, I know it.
We're going to stick til week 40 before we go on with the inducing. Yes, it's tempting to have a little Taurus but I'm going to let her be the Gemini she seems dedicated to being. I just pray constantly to the Gods she doesn't come out a bad Gemini like her Uncle has become. Then again, the way he's crashed his brain and body into oblivion probably never helped his Zodiac or mental issues. Alas. Now... I just have to survive the next two weeks. Let's see how it goes. ^^