Apr 21, 2011 14:36
So I don't write about my pain to much, but today I am going to. I've had two sucky experiences in the past two days, and well.. I want to write about it!
1. Yesterday my husband and I are test driving cars because well his is a p.o.s. and is very limiting and he needs a new one stat. Otherwise I am very worried every time he drives the Jeep. Anyways we test out the Kia Soul and I decide to lie in the back to see how long it is (We frequent the drive in movies so this is important to us :D). Well now here I am laying flat on my back and Ryan helps me up, pulling me by the hand, quickly from flat to vertical. There is a moment of absolute sharp pain in my back. I pretty much can't sit straight up, I have to like..roll up? That probably makes no sense, but I dont know how to describe it. I have to go to the side, prop myself up, and then get up from the side. Anyways, first time I have ever had that kind of pain and for a moment I think I'm going to throw up and get a little light headed. Never have had the 'omg that was so painful I'm going to get sick from it' moment.
2. Today I'm getting waxed and I pretty much have to lie there for about 50 minutes. I dont know what it is about the curves in the table but at first it feels nice, like most surfaces new to my back. Then it goes down hill half way into it. Of course I'm suffering through it, both the table and the waxing. And it was such an interesting way to get this pain, because all of your body is so comfortable, except my lower back area, which is becoming more and more painful. Thankfully I have to move my legs around a lot, so that helps. But at the end, it takes me abo9ut 15 minutes to get off the table and get my clothes back on. For a good while I honestly thought I would be stuck here because every time I moved this way or that, an excruciating small sharp pain would happen over here. So I had to basically 'trick' my body and 'probe' around for a position/movement that wouldn't give me that sharp pain so I could get my clothes 12 inches below my hand. It was difficult. I even had to think of what I could do until Ryan got off work so he could come here, get me dressed and into the car, two hours later. It was that bad -_-. But I did it! After I found the way to do it (a cross between bending from the knees and bracing my hand on the wall to lean over at the same time) I was alright. I'm still limping a bit and I get some small spasms once every ten or so minutes.
I'm debating on working on teh house right now. I defintly work better when Ryan isn't home because I can stay focused on the task (we just want to be in love and not work XD). But I dont know if I can right now and he gets off in 30 minutes ;_;. Ok.. I think I'm going to SLOWLY start on dishes. Otehrwise we like... have NONE cus I let them pile up ;_;.
I think when he gets home we might grocery shop, or hopefully order the side of beef. But I have an inkling that we might go get some L5R books or work on characters or something.... because guess what...