(no subject)

May 10, 2010 03:49

So I've been considering for the past few weeks about maybe starting a blog-- a real blog where I Write Things-- about religion and myth and philosophy and maybe some politics thrown in there too. I've been reading The Tarot: History, Symbolism and Divination by Robert M Place (which I really recommend to anyone who is remotely interested in Tarot, Renaissance art, neoclassicism or any related topic) and noticed that one of the challenges of studying or writing about any topic, but especially religion and anything classified as occult, is that there are so many layers of misconception and half-truth.

Like the pentacle: the top layer is that it is primarily evil and used for summoning demons. Then under that, is that that the upward-pointing star is okay, the downward-pointing star is a symbol of Satanism and darkness. Then a correction, that Satanism has adopted it but neither orientation is inherently good or bad, here is why, but with some debunked history involving ancient matriarchies. And so on. You'll read some of the same misconceptions and counter-misconceptions a lot, especially if you try to search for info online, which is why I thought that possibly I could write some articles or posts about stuff that interests me, both to get out some of my inner nerd so I don't have compulsions to start randomly talking about planetary symbolism in the middle of mundane conversations, and maybe other people might find it interesting. Job-hunting is not going well, and it would probably be good for me to do something with my non searching for work time besides reading and video games.

Also there needs to be a special curse for people who tell you in an interview that they will decide that very day and you will be working later that week if hired, but then after 7 business days (so far) have still not made a hiring decision.
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