Sep 20, 2004 22:18
Obscure reference, but lets see what happens.
Reading The Nuer by EE Evans-Pritchard, a British Social Anthropologist. The Nuer are cattle-herders, hence the title. At first Mr. Evans-Pritchard annoyed me, but it's getting better. Though he does say very 1930's British Academic things. And there's a little bit of untranslated French. I hate that. It's due tomorrow, and I'm mostly done with it. I wrote the paper on it already. This is probably not brilliant, but we'll see. I only have about one chapter left, so I should have covered the bases fairly well.
It occured to me a minute ago that it's a good thing that I don't always do my reading. I have an unfortunate tendancy to dominate discussions, which I think owes to the fact that I am only shy in interpersonal relationships. Classrooms don't scare me in the least. I think this has to do with levels of positive feedback. But, my point is, that if I don't do the reading, I don't have anything to say, at least till the conversation veers off to a tangentally related topic that one doesn't have to have actually read the book to weigh in on. I always thought that this was a dead giveaway, that my silence was a sign that I hadn't done the reading. But maybe my professors just thought that I was letting someone else have a turn. Of course, this is Grad School, and I don't want to risk not having done the reading and then having to catch up. Plus, I have the time.
In other news: I got my first voicemail at work today, which was of the good as it was related to us getting things we need.
I knew that today was Monday, but I seemed to forget. I was preparing for Tuesday's season premieres, and then realized that since I have Anthro tomorrow, tomorrow is Tuesday. No need to bow in awe of my brilliance.
Italy is still very far away. However, the boy has much better internet access than I did, and is usually online while I am at work, where I am also online. (I can stuff envelopes and update databases while IMing. It's called multitasking) This means that I can talk to him. And there was much rejoicing.
Portable CD players are brilliant. I like having music with me on the train/bus/walk to work/class. I also love public transit- my commute is at least 30 minutes I'd say. I get work done. It is of the good.
I am very hungry lately. But I figured out today that it is because I am not feeding myself enough at meals. If I only have breakfast and dinner, and I only have a "serving" of each thing for dinner, no wonder I'm hungry after. And I figure more pasta and/or meat is better than junk food. I don't think Cheetos have nutritional value. Also, cheaper.
Which reminds me, I got my checks today. From Bank of America, they are blue and pretty. I am happy. And I get to write checks to join things now. All I need are evelopes...