The Bodyguard 3

Nov 21, 2011 18:02

TITLE: The Bodyguard
PAIRING: Ohno x Ninomiya
SUMMARY:  He was Ohno's body guard and possibly errand boy when the older man wanted something; but nothing more than that.

“Sh.. Shouldn’t we call the police?” One of the maids asked as Nino dragged the man into the living room and threw him roughly onto the floor.

“When I’m finished,” Nino said, before crouching down. He lifted the mans head up by his hair and stared into his eyes.

“Who are you?” Nino asked calmly. When the man refused to speak, Nino backhanded him hard across his mouth.

“I asked you a question,” He said. The maids all whimpered and stepped back slightly. Nino stood up and turned to them.

“All of you leave. Now! I don’t want you ladies seeing this, alright?” He added as an after thought. They were only trying to help, after all. Once they had left, Nino turned his attention back to the man lying on the floor, who was spitting blood from his mouth.

“Who are you?” Nino repeated for the third time, once again crouching down.

“I won’t tell you!” The man said, spitting blood at Nino’s feet .

Nino smiled, “That’s alright, I don’t really care who you are. What I want to know, is…”

Nino moved lightening fast, spinning the man around so he was behind him, an arm wrapped tightly against his throat and squeezing his windpipe.

“What the fuck have you done to Botchan? Where is he?”

The man whimpered, wriggling in Nino’s grip.

“Where is Ohno Satoshi?” Nino yelled, jerking the man so hard, his head flopped back and forth.


Nino growled and kicked the unconscious body. He had only managed to get a few shreds of information before the man passed out.

It was then that the police showed up, Sho at the very front, storming into the room.

“Nino,” He said, nodding at some of the other police officers to gather up the unconscious man, “What happened? Where’s Ohno-san?”

Nino glared at Sho, striding across the room and grabbing the front of his shirt, “Why the fuck are you asking me such a stupid question? He’s gone, obviously! This bastard and his fucking friends took him!”

Sho slapped Nino’s hands off of his clothes, before spinning the smaller man around lightening fast and pressing him face first into a nearby wall. He placed his shoulder in between Nino’s shoulder blades and twisted his wrists up until the younger man yelped in pain.

“Ninomiya,” He said patiently into Nino‘s ear, “I’m here to help, not to fight with you; we’re on the same side. I don’t want to hurt you, or arrest you, as you’re one of my best friends. But if you start being aggressive to me while I’m on duty, I’ll have no choice. Now, calm down““

Nino’s breathing was heavy, and Sho loosened his grip slightly, “Can I let you go now?”

Nino nodded and Sho stepped back slowly, his face apologetic. Nino flecked his shoulders and rubbed at his wrists.

“Sorry for hurting you,” Sho said, patting the smaller man on the shoulder.

Nino shook his head with a sigh, tears beginning to well up in his eyes, “Don’t be, I deserved it. Sho-chan… They took Botchan… They took my Ohno…”

“Your?… Never mind. Tell me exactly what happened, and we’ll see what we can do, alright?” Sho slid his arm around Nino’s shoulders as the man finally broke down in hysterical sobs, wailing Ohno’s name.


“K… Kazunari!” Ohno cried, struggling against his bonds. He was blindfolded and tied to a chair tightly.

“Kazunari!” he screamed.

Ohno yelped as a hand his him sharply across the mouth, “Stop shouting,” A gruff voice snarled, “Your precious Kazunari isn’t coming to save you. He can’t until we get the ransom money,”

“But Kazu doesn’t have any money! Let me go! Let me go!“

The voice laughed “You must be used to giving orders, huh?”

“My parents aren’t even in the country! Just let me go!”

The hand smacked him in the face again, and Ohno felt the sting intensify as his own hot tears streamed down his pink cheeks.


“Kazu, this is what we’re going to do,” Sho said, once they reached the station, “We’re going to let him go,”

“You’re what?! Nino yelled, jumping to his feet and slamming his hands down on the table, "Sho-chan, what the hell are you talking about? You can’t let him go!”

“Let me finish,” Sho sighed, pulling Nino back into his seat by his shoulders, “we’re going to let him go, and make him think he escaped. Then we’re going to follow him, alright? We’ve attached a tracker to his phone without him realizing it,”

Nino frowned and nodded, “Fine. Just let me know when you're doing it,"

Sho sighed, "Kazu, it's up to the police now, you know I can't let you get involved in this,"

"The moment Botchan got involved, was the moment I got involved," Nino growled, "You can't keep me out of this, Sho-chan! So don't even try," Nino got to his feet and stormed from the room, leaving Sho rubbing his temples in stress behind him.


"You're like a twelve year old," Ohno's kidnapper remarked, laughing as tears flowed freely down Ohno's red cheeks, "You've obviously led a sheltered life; trying to order us about and crying for your body guard all the time,"

"Why are you doing this?" Ohno sobbed, "I already told you! You won't get any money cause my parents are abroad!"

The captor laughed and leant in close to Ohno's face, "Then you're not going home. Simple,"

The man smiled and ran his fingers over Ohno's bottom lip, "you're quite pretty, you know," He mumbled, leaning closer.

"K.. Kazu!" Ohno cried, trying to pull away from the man's fingers.


Nino awoke with a start. It was pitch black outside, and he hadn't even realised he'd fallen asleep. After checking his watch, he got to his feet and stretched, before heading through the deadly silent halls of the police station. He paused outside Sho's office, and after a quick peek inside, saw that that the older man was asleep, bent over his desk, papers and notes spread out across the surface.

Nino padded into the room and placed the man's jacket across his cold body. Sho was working hard, trying to figure out a plan to get Ohno back. But for Nino, it wasn't enough. He gently reached towards Sho's hip and pulled his gun out, before tucking it into his waistband and pulling his suit jacket over the top.

"Sorry, Sho-chan," He murmured, "I know how hard you're working, but I.. I need him back now,"

He then pulled Sho's keys from the hook on his belt, and silently left the room. The police station was quiet, and Nino reached the interrogation rooms without any problems. Once he had reached the room he was looking for, he unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Get up," He ordered quietly. The man glared at him, but quickly got to his feet when Nino pulled the gun and pointed it directly at his forehead, his arm straight and his eyes burning, "You're going to take me to where he is, and you're going to do it now, understood?"

The man gulped and nodded, and Nino jerked his head towards the door, "Go,"


Ohno trembled as he felt the rough hands slide over his body. His designer t-shirt (expensive), and favourite jeans (custom made just for him), were cut off of him like they were nothing but paper in the hands of a child. Even though he was still blindfolded, his eyes were squeezed shut, trying to wake himself up from what was probably one of the worse nightmares of his life. Tears streamed openly down his face, and every now and then, his captor would slap him on the cheeks, laughing loudly as he did so.

"You really are like a child in an adults body," The captor remarked, "Crying all the time, still begging for your bodyguard,"

"He's not coming," Ohno thought to himself, a fresh bout of tears pouring down his cheeks after another harsh slap, "Because I told him I hated him,"

"Now, shall we remove your underwear? Seeing as nobody has responded with the ransom money, we might as well have some fun, right?"

Ohno hiccoughed as his sobbing became louder, "Let me go!"

"Ah, no manners," The man sighed, "Even after all of this, you're still ordering me around,"


Nino was brought to the front of an old abandoned block of flats.

"What floor?" He said gruffly, the gun still pointed at the man.

"Sixth," The man replied, "Door seventy-two,"

Nino stepped closer to the man, grabbing him and pressing the gun to his temple, "If you're lying to me, you'll regret it. You're going to wait here for me to come out," He said savagely.

"No I’m no-" Nino lifted his arm back, and brought it back down hard. The gun hit the man on the head with a muffled crack, and he crumbled underneath him. Nino rolled him into the shadows, before heading into the building silently.

Nino ran up the stairs, taking them three at a time until he reached the sixth floor. He peeked out through the door to see if there were any guards, and then made his way down towards door seventy-two.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?" Nino heard a voice, but before he could turn around, someone had grabbed him tightly from behind. Without stopping to think, Nino swung his elbow back into the man's stomach. He heard the man grunt and double over slightly, but the hands didn't loosen. He stepped back hard on his heel, crunching down on the man's toes, before spinning around and sending the heel of his hand into the man's chin as he went. Once they were face to face, his fist hit the man on the nose, and he went flying, his eyes rolling back in his head before he even hit the ground.

Nino bent over, fumbling around in the unconscious man's pockets before he emerged with a small key.

The key fit the lock perfectly, and Nino entered the apartment, closing the door behind him. He moved softly through the run down apartment, noticing empty instant food packages littering nearly every surface, as well as some scattered over the floor. He stepped carefully over the plastic containers, searching each room as he made his way through the apartment.

"N..No! Stop! Let me go!" Ohno's voice cut through the silence like a knife, and Nino's eyes narrowed in anger. Although he wanted to rush to where the voice was coming from, he had to keep calm; he didn't know how many people were in the apartment, or if they were armed.

He moved swiftly but quietly through the apartment until he reached the doorway. There was only one man inside the room, and in the dim light, Nino could just work out Ohno's figure; blindfolded and tied to a chair. He was also almost completely naked.

"How many times have I told you to shut up?!" The man growled.

"K.. Kazu!" Ohno cried as the man's hand slapped him in the face hard enough to make the chair he was tied to rock.

Nino saw red. He rushed through the door, leaping on to the man and wrapping his arms around his neck, the gun at his hip forgotten.

Ohno fidgeted in the chair, nervous at the sudden lack of contact and the sounds of the scuffle.

"What the fu-!" The mans sentence was cut off as Nino dropped down, lifting his knee as hard as he could into the man's crotch. He went down in a grunt of pain, doubled over with his face screwed up.

He pulled the gun from his waistband and pressed it hard into the man's forehead, before clicking it so it was cocked.

"You have five seconds to get out of my sight, or I'll kill you," He said coldly, watching as the man scrabbled to get away.

Nino turned to Ohno, just as the shrill sound of sirens cut through the air. The police had obviously figured out that both Nino and the prisoner had gone.

"Botchan," Nino said gently, reaching forward to untie Ohno's wrists and ankles. Ohno whimpered and tried to shy away from his hands. Nino lifted his hands and pulled off the blindfold, before finishing untying him.

"K.. Kazunari?" Ohno asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Botchan. It's me. You're safe now,"

"Kazunari!" Ohno cried, leaping up and throwing his arms around Nino's neck. He held onto him tightly as Nino wrapped his own hands around Ohno's bare torso, "You came for me," He sobbed, burying his face into his shoulder.

"Of course I did, Botchan," Nino smiled, pulling away. He saw the remains of Ohno's clothes all over the floor, and shrugged off his suit jacked, threading Ohno's arms into it and pulling it tightly around him, "Let's get you home,"

"Is that it?" Ohno asked softly, "No..." He trailed off with a sigh, and nodded, "Take me home, Ninomiya,"

Nino gulped and nodded, unsure what Ohno was talking about, before putting his arm around his waist and guiding him from the room.

"What the hell are you playing at, Ninomiya?!" Sho cried, bursting through the entrance with the armed police as Nino made his way out, "You are in big trouble!"

"Later," Nino sighed, tightening his grip around Ohno's waist, "Just... let me get him home, alright?"

Sho narrowed his eyes and nodded in submission, "Fine, but we will need to talk about this," He stepped forward and patted Ohno's shoulder, "Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?"

Ohno shook his head and Sho led the pair to a patrol car, sitting them in the back seat before climbing into the drivers seat, "How many were there? We have three in custody,"

"That was it," Nino said, frowning when Ohno pulled away from him and shuffled closer to the window.

"Botchan..." Ohno ignored him and Nino sighed, rubbing his face, "I've got such a headache," He mumbled.

Once they had been dropped off, Sho had left a couple of patrol cars hanging around outside Ohno's mansion, just in case something happened, and went back to the station to do the paperwork.

Nino held the door open for Ohno and as it swung shut, Ohno spun around, grabbing Nino's shirt in his hands. He tugged him towards him and pressed their lips together hard for a few moments, before pulling away, his face flushed.

"That’s for saving me," He said softly. He then lifted his hand and slapped Nino hard across the face, making the younger man stumble to the side slightly, "And that, is for taking so long! Where the hell were you? I had horrible, dirty people touching me and slapping me! Urgh! I need a bath! Run me a bath!"

Nino blinked, his eyes wide, before nodding, "Of course, Botchan,"

Ohno had decided to take a few weeks off from his meetings; that is to say he wouldn't go to his meetings on a Monday for a couple of weeks.

However, even though he was back home, and Nino had rescued him from his horrible experience, he was still acting distant from his body guard.

"Botchan, good morning, I've got some tea for you," Nino said as he entered Ohno's bedroom, a tray in his hands.

"Did you make it? Or did the maids make it?" Ohno asked, pulling his bed covers down just enough so his eyes were peeking out.

"I did," Nino replied, placing the tray on his bedside table and opening the curtains, "I'm more like your butler, than a bodyguard, huh, Botchan?"

"I don't want it," Ohno sulked, pulling the cover back over his head, "Not if you made it,"

"Not this again," Nino mumbled, heading back to the bed, "Why not, Botchan?"

"You only made it because you have to," Ohno grumbled, "He's more reasonable once he has caffeine so I'll give him tea to make the baby sitting easier on me," Ohno said, his voice going ridiculously high as he tried to imitate Nino.

"Botchan, you know I'd never think like that," Nino sighed, "Besides, my voice isn't that high,"

Ohno jerked the cover away from his face and glared at Nino, "You do think like that. I know you do,"

"I don't, Botchan, you're paranoid,"

"Then why did you save me?" Ohno cried, throwing the covers off of his legs and standing up in front of his body guard, "Why didn't you just leave me?"

"Because you're my.."

"Boss!" Ohno yelled, "And you don't get paid without me!"

Nino's eye twitched. He did love Ohno, with all of his heart, but he was starting to get sick and tired of the way he was being treated.

"Botchan, you're being ridiculous. It's not about the money at all. Stop acting like a spoilt child, just because you've got a sulk on,"

Ohno narrowed his eyes, "Then what is it about?"

Nino gaped. Sure, it was about the money at first; he had no job and no parents, and when he was offered a great hourly wage just to baby sit some spoilt kid, he snapped up the chance. But over time, he had fallen in love with that spoilt kid, and couldn't bare to be without him. He just couldn't tell Ohno that. Work was work, and he couldn't get his personal feelings involved.

"Botchan.." Nino started, "I.."

"Enough!" Ohno yelled, slamming his small hands into Nino's chest, "I've had enough!"

Nino grabbed Ohno's hands and tugged the older man's lips to his. He pulled away when he felt Ohno relax into him.

"I'm sorry, Botchan," Nino sighed, looking straight into Ohno's eyes, "I quit,"


I hope you're enjoying it...:3

p: ninomiya x ohno, r: pg13, length: chaptered

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