Jun 25, 2008 19:43
Today was a bad day for many reasons that I don't want to go into, all I will say on the subject is that by 6pm today all I wanted was a hug. However, today was also a very good day.
Do you ever meet a person who is so incredible that they take your breath away (pardon the cliche) or just make you stop and think "wow"? I don't mean that they are ridiculously good looking or have great amounts of sex appeal and make you swoon as they walk past. I mean more that they just have something about them that makes you think that they are special. I had this today.
There was a girl who I met called Sarah and I think I can say she is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. We didn't talk for that long but her presence and what she said to me have ingrained themselves on my mind. I don't think I will forget her for a while. There was just something about her, she was nice, sweet and completely unassuming and you don't get that often. There wasn't any sexual attraction or anything and I am not crushing on her even now. She was just so cool and I don't mean that in a stereotypical cool kind of way where people have to try to be cool, she just was cool. I guess it was just one of those experiences where after she left I got the feeling that I was meant meet her. She taught me a valuable lesson and without even realising it gave me so strong advice. She was so, so beautiful.
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Also, I luv Charlotte Kate Pilbeam more than anyone will ever know. Thank you so much.