Tick, tick, tick BOOM
Right so the new Panic at the Disco song. Ok, ok so it is hardly a new song, because it was released in like January but they haven’t released a single since so I refer to it as the ‘new’ single. Please note, I’m not counting Mad as Rabbits because that was a digital release and I refuse to adhere to this technical music nonsense, music should be on something I can physically hold and admire the artwork of. Of course, this just doesn’t work with digital releases unless you really want to hold up your laptop or computer hard drive every time.
Rant off.
Anyway back to the point I originally wanted to make... if I can remember what it is. Oh yes, Nine in the Afternoon. Just out of interest, does anyone else think it sounds like it has been released by Fall Out Boy? I swear that if F.O.B were to cover the song it would sound exactly the same. It is like some weird occurrence has, well, occurred and the two bands have merged into one super-emo-band. Which creates an interesting idea in terms of what they would be called, would they go for Panic and the Boy, which conjures up all sorts of amusing imagery in regards to a poor boy being bombarded by panicky people? Or would they alternatively go for the title of Fall Out at the Disco? I personally like the implications of the second; it just screams white spangly pants, flashing light and lots of drunken violence and running eyeliner - and that is just the boys we are talking about.
So yes, beware the lure of the super emo band dear children. Resist before it is too late and you are forced to wear tight jeans and hair that obstructs the useful skill of sight. For, sight is useful with the general avoidance of the death and the seeing of the direction in which you are going.
Macaroni and cheese.