(no subject)

Jan 08, 2011 18:53

I'm still in the hospital, no release date in sight.
I think overall I'm a little better. It's definitely not the flu - test came back negative - just a severe respiratory infection. And I was sick as is, and too thin so immune system shot to hell, so there's your recipe for disaster.
This whole week has been a blur of running a high fever and generally being so weak, I was either asleep or otherwise out of it. Yesterday was a crisis of sorts - I don't remember most of it and maybe it's better that way. Today I'm better, I think I've been awake/sitting up for most of the day.
I'm still on oxygen, my saturation is only about 84-85 without it, so I'm on it 24/7.
I've often been too weak to reply to text messages - I apologize for that. But thanks for sending them, I could always read them =)