Have 2000 words due on assignment today. Have 400 words written on assignment today.
Easter Egg fic challenge, eeeeeek! 571 words (which are not even a complete exposition) and I am considering scrapping them all and starting over. And people have started posting theirs already. Eeeeek!
And finally, thankyouthankyouthankyou to
misscam for my first birthday pressie! It's a K-9 mouse mat and is so very cute! I am not quite sure why it says "Destroy the Doctor!" under the logo, though. Is this evil!K-9, perhaps? Teehee. Also I'm amused to see that though ABC posted it from Sydney, it was actually made in WA. 20 minutes up the road in Osborne Park, in fact.
I shall see about some pictures when I'm finished panicking, perhaps.