Series Title: Six Times Starbuck and Apollo Frakked (or Five Times Starbuck and Apollo Couldn't Get the Timing Right (And Once When Time Was All They Had)
Series Summary: Starbuck and Apollo are the best pilots in the fleet. In the air, they have perfect synchronicity; on the ground, not so much.
I admit, I am not sure whether to call this a fic with six chapters, or a series of six ficlets. Each part stands alone for the most part, but they do string together. The first three parts are written, the others outlined.
Fic Title: Ships Passing in the Night
Rating: MA for descriptions of sex
Spoilers: This part, none at all.
Pairings: Kara/Lee, mentions of Kara/Zak
Wordcount: ~700
Summary: Once upon a time, in a bar...
Author's Note: This is not betaed, so all mistakes are mine alone. If you spot any, do please point them out to me! Thanks to
misscam, for putting up with at least more than an hour of me angsting over the exact wording of the title. *loves*
Ships Passing in the Night
The first time, she doesn’t even know his name.
She calls him Apollo because she remembers just that much; remembers flying with him in a much more literal sense. He fraks much better than he flies, and that’s saying something.
She collapses against him, head spinning with ambrosia and lust.
Oh gods, had she actually purred at him?
They aren’t in the same class (he’s a year ahead, in fact) but they both enjoy a certain notoriety for their exploits in the sims, enough so she knows his face and his callsign, but not enough so that they’ve actually spoken beyond the usual comm chatter.
She thinks that might be a pity, so when she spots him sitting alone at the bar of her favourite nightspot, she peels away from her classmates and takes the stool next to him.
“Apollo, right?”
He drains his glass and raises an eyebrow at her. (She wonders if that was the moment she’d decided to go home with him, or whether it had always been inevitable?) “Right,” he agrees. “And you’re Starbuck.”
It takes several more rounds before they really start talking. He’s been drowning his sorrows over some woman who has broken off with him. She makes her interest plain, but he knocks her back. Not looking for a rebound frak, he says. He doesn’t get up to leave, though, and she thinks what he means is convince me.
She smiles to herself and buys him another drink.
He fumbles with his keys and she almost fraks him in the corridor, but eventually he fits the right key into the lock and they stagger inside. She’s on him as soon as the door swings shut, lips fitted together and tongues invading mouths with single minded determination. She gets her hand inside his pants and feels him sigh contentedly as she sinks slowly to her knees.
She takes him deep in her throat and hears the thunk of his head against the door.
She pulls out a stogie and bites off the tip, lighting it and taking a few puffs; blows a smoke ring at him and slides it back between her lips with just a hint of visible tongue. That’s always worked before, and she’s almost disappointed that it seems to be working now. She smirks at him and takes another pull, and when she leans forward to kiss him, breathes the smoke into his lungs.
Somehow she thought he’d be harder to pull.
He drags her upright again before he finishes and takes the offensive, stripping the clothes from her and tossing them every which way as he pushes her towards his bedroom. His breath tickles her ears, maddeningly calm voice describing in excruciating detail exactly what he plans to do to her when he gets her there.
He hadn’t seemed the type to have such a filthy mouth, and she shivers in spite of herself.
He does everything he promises and more.
She doesn’t quite catch what name he utters when he comes. It’s not hers, but she doesn’t mind very much.
She awakes to the not at all unpleasant sensation of his hands sliding across her skin, his lips tickling her throat and his body pressed against her back.
Kara Thrace doesn’t do morning after sex. At least, she never has before. She’s turned on in spite of herself however, and so she turns and takes him inside her again, slow and lazy. It’s actually quite pleasant.
Afterwards when she’s searching for her clothes, he’s attempting to make small talk. It’s patently obvious that one night stands aren’t his usual MO; he’s nervous and not sure what she expects.
She rolls her eyes at him. “Relax, Apollo. It was fun. Spectacular, even.” (He looks gratified. He might as well, she isn’t exaggerating.) “But it wasn’t...” She takes a breath and decides not to finish the thought. “I’ll maybe see you in the sims sometime?”
He nods, relieved.
She doesn’t find out his name is Lee Adama until two years later, when Zak introduces his fiancé to the older brother he adores. They shake hands as if they’re meeting for the first time, and she thinks it’s kind of funny, really.
part two: lost in you lost in me