Post holiday decorating shopping today!! Maybe I'll hit Target first and then the gym. Backwards today...
Christmas found me as usual - wishing I could crawl up in a cave. I came to the conclusion that while I love the Christmas season, even more so now that I have a kiddo, I could go without the actual day. I have great families and I'm so thankful for them, but there are weird family dynamics all over the place from my relationship with the Baby Daddy to the death of my father last year and the arrival of my Mom's "gentleman caller" this year. With family there is always good and bad, but on Christmas day it always just seems to be a bit sharper than the rest of the year.
Here it is the next day and I'm optimistic again. Here are some photos of Sophia opening up her gifts. This was her first Christmas where she was grasping the whole idea of Santa. Like the night before, she got up 14 times before she finally knocked out.