When you look around you know the room by heart

Jun 18, 2012 21:00

Other things that get to happen now that I can see:
1. I'm getting a haircut on Saturday, and now I can actually watch it happen! You natural seers don't know- used to be I had my glasses off for the duration of every haircut, which meant all I saw was a me-colored blob and I could only sit there hoping everything was going okay until it was done. So, no more of that nonsense! Not that I expect the experience to be anything revelatory, but still.
2. Once RenFest comes around again, I'm gonna buy me a mask. One of those fancy leather ones that look like a leaf or something, I'm not sure yet. Masks have not been part of my life in any meaningful way so far. I remember one Halloween trying to wear a mask as part of a skeleton costume... I doubt it stayed on over the glasses for more than half an hour. But now? Bring 'em on!

Okay, enough extolling the glory of 20/20 vision. Been a bit since I did one of these! 10 - Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

Umm, well, there was that one time a meme asked for Mal/Granny Weatherwax. I chickened out of that one pretty hard. Otherwise, there was another meme fic that was supposed have Mal and the Doctor kiss. That was a bit tough, as I find it really hard to slash Mal with anyone, it just doesn't work for some reason. Nonetheless, I stapled the plot onto an earlier one-shot I wrote and then poured a bunch of alcohol down the guys' throats, and it worked out fine.

I'm trying to think of a pairing I tried to write but failed. I guess there have been some Plaude fics that turned gen when I didn't specifically mean them to be. But, y'know, it doesn't have to be all about the romance all the time. Sometimes I do feel a bit guilty for being so pairing-focused in my fandom activities. But, even then, I don't go after certain pairings just because I think they're hot together or whatever. I go after them because I like the characters and the way they interact with each other. If that interaction happens to be R-rated sometimes, well, I gotta get my kicks somehow, right?

You know, I keep thinking about those meme fics I used to do... turns out I haven't done one since freaking 2010! And I had such fun with them! Seriously, some of my favorite pieces are little <1000-words meme fics. So, if anyone out there is interested, if you've been playing along the last little while you have a very good idea what fandoms are available...

Give me (at least) two characters from different fandoms that you know I'm familiar with and I'll give you a dialogue happening between the two of them. Without justifying how the crossover would work, how their worlds clashed, or how they could even meet each other. Just a silly crossover conversation with no backstory, for fun.


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