Aww yeah, green tea, cherry flavor. Well, y'know, cherry plus stuff to make it sound classy. It's actually called Cherry Moon, which is nice and evocative. And I got this other kind, called Chanticleer Breakfast Tea, which basically seems to be tea-flavored tea. I appreciate that. I had a cup this morning and it was very pleasant.
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Ugh, weather's supposed to suck this weekend? Fantastic. I have to drive a ton and then work on Sunday. Blerg. Maybe I'll get some writing done too, but it seems doubtful. I'm going to try and do the V for Vendetta picspam, at least.
I still have to answer that question for that meme.
Actually, looking at it now, the forecast has significantly improved. Yay, V for Vendetta picspam!
I'm looking forward to the fun ones about music and titles and whatnot.
Yay! I'm half working on it right now, but Law and Order/Community is distracting me. MY CHILDHOOD. L&O is like the number one reason I decided to become a lawyer.
Woohoo! Heh, really? I never watched L&O. Only started watching CSI in college.
It was like pitch-perfect. The lady they had as the medical examiner actually played a medical examiner on L&O Classic (which is the only one I bothered watching). And the last-minute phone call was something that happened pretty often too. And even Abed and Troy's outfits as the cops (and awww, "Why do they always run?") was soooo Lennie Briscoe/Ed Green. Oh and Shirley was the perfect Lt. Anita Van Buren.
The medical yam examiner might have been my favorite part.
Wow, between the Mad Men references on 30 Rock and the L&O extravaganza on Community, this night on NBC has really felt like it was just for me.
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