
Jan 05, 2012 19:31

Nerdist show tomorrow, guys. NERDIST SHOW TOMORROW, GUYS. *deep breath* I'm getting pretty psyched about it. It's been a trying week, on top of a long two-month wait, my work has become a biological war zone with people dropping like flies and my throat hasn't been quite right since the 22nd so I just need this to happen already ( Read more... )

movies, recs, tv, podcasts

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visiblemarket January 6 2012, 00:52:14 UTC
Steve Rogers is a mensch. There's no other word for it. In fact, given that he grew up in Brooklyn, I'm choosing to believe that all the nice Jewish families he grew up around called him that all the time. I'm looking forward to seeing him in The Avengers, playing off of Tony Stark and not just for slashy reasons, although, you know.

I downloaded The Borrowers like the night it aired. One of these days, I'm going to get up the urge to watch it. No, seriously.

I was mixed on Sherlock. I liked certain elements of it a lot. Others...eh. Looking forward to Hounds, though, that was one of my favorite stories.

Which trashy movies? I'm considering rewatching bits of Iron Man 2 while I work out, because I'm on an Avengers kick.


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 01:04:54 UTC
I can see them now- those Jewish mothers would NEVER get tired of feeding him. It should be pretty great to have him and RDJ together (dirty). Both of them have really made their respective characters their own.

It's good, you should watch it! Spoiler: one person gets their pants off in it, guess who.

I.. really feel like I can't formulate an opinion. I don't feel qualified. I'm pretty sure I was entertained, beyond that...



visiblemarket January 6 2012, 01:13:35 UTC
ZOMG, Steve as the most in-demand Shabbas goy in the neighborhood, total headcanon. I think I even respect Chris Evans more than RDJ: I feel like it's harder to play that kind of clean-cut all-American boy scout in a real way.

Oh wow, that's so completely unexpected and unusual.

LOL, I have no idea what it is, so I'll assume, for your sake, it's a very deep film.


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 01:20:42 UTC
"You feed him and feed him and he never gets fat, I swear!" Yeah, I think so too. I wouldn't have pegged him for real talent like RDJ has shown, but now...

Well, to be fair, it's.. not his idea. But, anyway, kind of amusing.

Do me a favor and never look it up. Preserve your image of me as it is now.


visiblemarket January 6 2012, 01:28:29 UTC
"Tch, Herschel, why can't you be more like Steve?" I don't think I've seen Chris Evans (I keep wanting to do CE but it seems confusing at this point) in anything else. Oh wait no! He was in The Nanny Diaries, with Scarlett Johannson, lol. So Captain America and the Black Widow have already made out, that's fantastic. And also partly explains the popularity of the pairing, I was mystified. The point being, he didn't show much spark in The Nanny Diaries, but that was kind of tough material to rise above.

*snort* Still. Even in a kid's movie, though.

I'm imagining something dark and contemplative, possibly a period piece.


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 01:52:01 UTC
I saw the first Fantastic Four movie. He was... I dunno, okay I guess. And I'm pretty sure he was in the first Scary Movie, which I saw but don't recollect more than a minute of. If I've ever seen him in anything else, it wasn't memorable. So I'm glad to know he's got some depth to him when needed.

Maybe that's what attracts him to roles after all. And Claude never got a pantsless scene, so he didn't come back. Tragic.

Well, I guess you could say it's dark.


visiblemarket January 6 2012, 01:56:21 UTC
LOL, Scary Movie, I did see that too. Don't remember him in it at all. Maybe it's just taken him a while to get into the acting thing properly? Or he just needs the right role? I don't know if you've seen Thor, but I feel like the guy who plays Thor is similarly really surprisingly impressive as an actor, for all that he looks like a big dumb blond jock.

There was also no pantlessness in GI Joe. Or maybe it was in the deleted scenes that I rented the movie to see and then realized weren't included on the DVD. Otherwise seriously, I'm more shocked when he keeps his pants.


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 02:00:55 UTC
Maybe I'm imagining he was in that- I really remember that little of it. I think it was probably a matter of maturing as an actor. I don't know who directed Captain America, maybe they knew how to get better stuff from him. And I will be watching Thor shortly, just gotta send Captain America back.

Well, yeah, there's the paycheck reason too. Money or pantslessness, those are the two options.


visiblemarket January 6 2012, 02:07:21 UTC
I don't see him listed, but OMG GUESS WHAT ELSE HE WAS IN: Opposite Sex, that terribly cheesy show featuring the one and only Milo Ventimiglia in what must have been one of his earliest roles. Ahahah. OMG.

That would not surprise me in the least.


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 02:30:13 UTC
Oh.. good..ness I can't watch that. Too young, too young, abort, abort.

Can't believe it didn't occur to us sooner.


visiblemarket January 6 2012, 02:37:24 UTC
Noooo, you'll miss the drag act! "I Will Survive" and crazy wigs! It's at the very end, just skip to that bit.

I mean he did a film called Lennon Naked, what other conclusion could we reach?


lotus0kid January 6 2012, 03:10:52 UTC
Unfortunately, it'll have to wait for another day. Bed time!

Seriously. He could bring so much gravitas to the porn industry, and not wear pants, but clearly he doesn't respect the medium.


visiblemarket January 6 2012, 04:04:18 UTC
Trust me, it'll be worth it.

Well, I think he's all for showing his ass, but is rather shy about his front. So that might hinder his porn career. Unlike Rupert Graves, who'll show his penis at, apparently, the drop of a hat.


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