Six seasons and a movie!

Nov 17, 2011 19:16

Well, looks like yet another show I love is doomed to die. But, maybe, just maybe, given the small but wildly enthusiastic fanbase and all, things could improve. I'm thinking they might. I've seen a few petitions floating around, and you can always go to NBC's website and tell them how much you like the show and want it to stick around. Also, Tumblr's got a neat comm going where folks can submit photos of "Save Community" signs with/without themselves holding them. This one's mine. (I'm really glad I went with pen instead of sharpie, which was my first impulse.)

Otherwise, I've got one more quiet weekend ahead of me before I barrel into Thanksgiving. I'll be going down the ocean Thursday morning, and staying until Sunday, when I will be taken to a mysterious event I know almost nothing about...

Argh, I need to cook dinner, I need to wash that pot, I need to watch that hour-long panel Neil Gaiman posted, I need to watch Life in a Day on Netflix. But... but... I wanna do this meme! I haven't done it since 2009, which is ridiculous! So, whatever, let me just hurry up and get it done. You know, before Congress passes that law and the Great Firewall (US) goes up.

List seven songs that you are currently loving. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs in your blog.

1. Did I Let You Know by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pretty sure this is my favorite song on I'm With You, though there are a few I haven't heard quite enough times to decide on just yet. Anywho, this is awesome- delightful rhythm and guitar melodies, silly but cool lyrics. Also, kind of a Doctor/River song, IMO.

2. If I Should Fall from Grace with God by The Pogues
Super fun, kind of old world-y, accordians. Yeah, it's from that one car commercial, with the three little boys playing hockey. Whatever, I love it.

3. 1 by Joy Zippers
Another one snagged from a commercial (I think it's for a bank- a busy street filled with people wearing amusing costumes). This I actually got using the iPhone app Shazam, the one that "listens" to music playing and tells you what song it is. Quite frankly, I should've gotten it YEARS ago. That is, the app, not the song. Though, the song too I guess, if I'd known about it in 2005.

4. Come Around by The Real Tuesday Weld
From their latest, super mellow and lovely. Not really sure where it's supposed to fit in The Last Werewolf novel, but I don't particularly care.

5. Pictures of You by The Cure
Heard this while playing mini-golf with my mom, no lie. Before I got Shazam, unfortunately, but I perservered. Wonderfully '80s, as only The Cure can be. Also, total Dom/Mal song, from start to stop.

6. Mr. Bassman by Sondre Lerche
From The Green Album. Totally bouncy and fun. And I do like bass guitar- I love kind of weeding it out from the rest of the instruments while listening to a song, hearing the acrobatics it's getting up to in the background. Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers is great for that.

7. If You Want Blood by AC/DC
WHAT, yeah that's right. I've been waiting to.. acquire this song for a long time. See, one of my favorite movies growing up (for better or worse) was Empire Records, and there's an awesome montage that involves this song. But even aside from all that, it's KICK. ASS.

P.S. If you want any of these songs, snag 'em quick. These links are going to expire FAST.

recs, tv, music, meme

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