AHHHH! Toast!

Jul 22, 2011 16:24

It does not bear thinking about, how hot it is outside right now. But, on the up side, one of the AC units in our server room at work crapped out so all the computers had to be turned off, which meant HOME EARLY HOME EARLY YAY! I really wish I could celebrate with a Woodchuck cider or at least a cream soda. Alas.

Anyway, I fully intend to spend the next 90+ degree day or so inside, watching and/or perhaps listening to things. There probably should be some vacuuming in there too, we'll see. But in the meantime, tell me what to watch! Last weekend I had a minor crisis trying to pick something because there are just so damn many things I want to either re-watch or check out.


ETA: Damn, nevermind about the limits on Doctor Who, I just remembered they're on Netflix Instant too.

Ooh, looks like a storm might be blowing in to help things out a bit! Yay! Anyway, while you are reccing stuff for me, I'd like to give a more assertive shout-out for Dylan Moran's What It Is stand-up special, which some goodly soul has put on YouTube. It is really hilarious, and full of ridiculously quotable things that will make you laugh later on when you remember them.

movies, work, recs, tv

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