neon heart, dayglow eyes

May 23, 2011 21:10

Here's a fun thing that happens at work sometimes. We recently updated all our computers to Window's latest regeneration, and it's got all kinds of bells and whistles on it, among them being the noises it can make when you, say, get a new e-mail. Now, someone in my office, I'm not sure who, has chosen a certain.. suite of sounds, and when she (there's only ladies within hearing distance of my desk) does something, I'm not sure what, her computer makes a certain sound. I may not consciously register that sound when it happens, but eventually, I'll notice there's a song stuck in my head. A very specific song. A song I really like an awful lot. Yes, "City of Blinding Lights" by U2 was my jam for like five months back in high school. So it's really nice to just be minding my own business, doing something boring (a.k.a. working), and suddenly realize one of my most favorite songs is playing in my head.

image Click to view

See, at around 0:12 or 0:13, that tiny little noise is similar enough to one of Window's jingles for the latter to sink into my consciousness and link up with the former, without me even realizing it until it's already happened! Possibly I should be worried about this, but meh, I think it's neat.

ETA: This also happens when I shut the dishwasher in the kitchen at work, only it sounds like the very beginning of Multiplayer by The Voluntary Butler Scheme (around 0:04, 0:05), and I'm a little more aware of it when it happens.

So that's fun. What's not fun is the fact that several members of my government are trying to deny access for me and other American women to everything from birth control to cancer screenings to the right to choose a safe, legal abortion, should any of us need any of those things. Does that seem a little ridiculous to you? If so, you might want to go here and join the photo petition like I did. It's neat- I printed out the little sign they ask you to hold (you can also make your own). I made a little art project out of it, because that's a very good way to get me to focus intently on something for a very long time. Here's what I came up with:

I sent in another picture of myself holding it, but I don't feel like f-locking this post, so you don't get to see it. XP

work, recs, music, pictures

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