make tear stains of the past

Jan 20, 2011 18:29

Dangit. For Christmas I got some free passes for movies and I lost the little envelope they were in. This is extra annoying because I really want to see The King's Speech again, and I also found out The Way Back is coming out this weekend and I've been waiting ages for that. It's by the same guy who did Master and Commander, which is definitely in my top fifteen movies if not ten. And here we've got Jim Sturgess, Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, and some other guys as escaped gulag prisoners walking the four thousand miles from Siberia to India. I'm expecting amazing cinematography and good to decent acting (possibly some slashiness if I'm lucky). It amuses me that I only found out it was going to be released this weekend because I was browsing the "For Him" section of MSN's homepage. Well, the "For Her" section seems to be 90% articles about weight loss, so whatev'.

Speaking of browsing, it's been a really slow week at work- my boss has been gone since Tuesday, and once payroll is done by Wednesday afternoon, I really have nothing to do unless someone gives me something. So, I keep finding myself on Google News, mostly because it seems biased in ways I'm more comfortable with (like if I see more articles about Apple because they give Google money- okay, fine). Anyway, I'd say I'm better informed about today's current events than I've been my whole life. Did you hear about the girl who found out she was kidnapped as a newborn and has recently tracked down her real family? You just see if they don't make a Lifetime movie about that in the next three months. I also go to ontd_political sometimes, when I feel like losing a little more faith in humanity.

Anyway, I really should be working on the 6DoS meme responses, but I've kinda hit a wall. I wrote the first part of one, and it's fine, but I'm really not sure how to proceed. visiblemarket, please name a fandom, preferably one that's set in the present.

In conclusion, I can't stop listening to these three songs over and over. I have this playlist that's all tracks where I only have up to maybe four songs by each artist. It's where I keep "Heart It Races" by Architecture in Helsinki and "At Last" by Etta James and "Once in a Lifetime," "Road to Nowhere," and "Burning Down the House" by Talking Heads, among many others. Kind of a catch-all for songs that I've snagged along the way that don't belong to an album (or at least not an album I own). So, anyway, I like to put it on Shuffle and just visit with the songs, but I can't seem to get past these three. Every time I run through them, I find the only thing I want to listen to is them again, in this order:

1. Tonight the Streets are Ours by Richard Hawley- first heard it at the end of Exit Through the Gift Shop, super catchy and lovely without being entirely cheesy. I'd kind of like to ask.. whoever made the film why they chose that song.

2. Kingdom of Rust by Doves- oh man, this song is so amazing. Melancholy, powerful, atmospheric, beautiful. It makes me think of.. driving down the road in a lonely place when it's about to snow. Anyway, heh, another soundtrack song- this one came from Zombieland, though I wouldn't say you get the full impact during the handful of seconds it plays.

3. All of This in Writing by The Burns Unit- heh, I still think this song is totally Sherlock/John, and I still can't quite parse one of the lines, even after listening to it a dozen times on the track I bought and on the radio show I first heard it on. Anyway, very clever and bouncy little tune from the POV of a self-confessed jerk to his new significant other, I like it a bunch.

ETA: I'm caving. I'm going to start really trying to watch Community and 30 Rock. Whyyy do they have to be two hours apart on the schedule? Argh.

movies, recs, tv, music

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