I just made you do a Professor Hubert Farnsworth impression in your heads! Hee, sorry, couldn't resist. Don't worry, I did one too, and always will every time I see the subject of this post.
Anyway, I've been approved to move into a sweet little apartment about six miles away from work! It's... well, it's on the bleeding edge of too expensive for me, but I've decided the pros outweigh the cons. I could go cheaper, but that would also mean going sketchier and/or farther away. This place has a dishwasher, thermostat, garbage disposal, balcony, and three cops who live in the complex (one on the first floor of my building- I'm on the third). I'm FINALLY going to be living completely on my own, and I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT. I move in on the seventeenth. I've got a bunch of furniture/kitchen stuff in storage from my mom's old house, which is awesome. I do need to get a bed and a microwave, though. As well as cashier's checks for the security deposit and the first rent payment. And I need to call BGE to get the electricity in my name. And I need to get renter's insurance from my insurance company. And I need to figure out how to get the cable and Internet hooked up. *deep breath* I can do this.
So other than that! I've seen this around and thought it might be fun- a five-day Christmas advent calendar, audience participation style. Choose a day between December twentieth and the twenty-fourth, give me a prompt/request, and I will lovingly craft a little something to be presented on that day. I can do fic, fanmixes, picspams, and icons. No guarantees of quality or timeliness. Offer void where prohibited, where prohibited means squicky, not that I think any of you would do that.
12/22: For
The Kids are All Right12/23: For
Do Pizza12/24: For
The Mirror Christmas Carol Reinvention (1/5)