It is a good one. More wonderful Cracker/Armored fic from
visiblemarket- those boys, it's so interesting to see how they differ from "other" characters, I can only imagine what a challenge it is to write. I watched the latest episode of Sherlock, which was great (
*claps hand over mouth* mrrff mmm mrf fmnrrf mmn mrf )
Hm, possibly. It is a little tricky to keep in mind that these are different people. Practice makes perfect, I would guess. ;)
I feel like I'm going to be dragged in to watching it eventually, but I'm trying to hold back for now.
Oh you should definitely check it out. It's only three episodes, though to be fair each episode is ninety minutes long. But nonetheless, it's totally worth a look.
I think there's also the fact that every bread has a different absorption rate, so it's hard to tell when it's soaked up too much.
I'm sure that's true. Isn't there, like, french toast bread you can buy? Maybe I'm thinking of Texas toast, that has thicker bread. Anyway, I think if I halve the milk/egg recipe and just kind of dunk the slices, I could do a better job. It's weird, though- when you toast bread on the stove it gets stiffer and therefore easier to flip, with french toast it stays all soft and wobbly. Very frustrating.
And then I would try and microwave it, which turned out...interestingly.
Oh no, what you should do is put it in a bowl or tupperware full of hot water. That defrosts most things in around half an hour. Although, that's what I did with the ground beef, and I think I must have left it in for too long because when I went down to check on it it wasn't pink anymore. So, you know, keep an eye on whatever you're defrosting.
I like them with banana and nutella.
There's a recipe like that in the Student cookbook for sweet crepes. I justfelt more like strawberries. They also talk about savory crepes. I put sugar in this batch of batter so any more I make will have to be sweet, but if I can get a good filling I'll definitely try a savory crepe.
I think another problem is that in their respective canons they're not actually called Jake or David much, so I'm not used to thinking of them that way. While I could've used Eckehart, Bilborough is just too difficult a name to use repeatedly.
Oh you should definitely check it out. It's only three episodes, though to be fair each episode is ninety minutes long. But nonetheless, it's totally worth a look.
Maybe I'll give it a shot tomorrow instead of Rookie Blue.
It's weird, though- when you toast bread on the stove it gets stiffer and therefore easier to flip, with french toast it stays all soft and wobbly. Very frustrating.
Heh, really? I don't think I've ever had that problem.
So, you know, keep an eye on whatever you're defrosting.
I think that really is the problem with me when I cook these days. I'm so distracted by computer time or tv time or whatever else I'm doing that I'm not supposed to be doing that I don't pay attention to what's going on in the kitchen.
Man, you really made me want some crepes. *laughs* I'm trying to justify the trip all the way out to the mall to get myself some right now.
Eh, Eckehart's such an ugly name (sorry, Jake), I would avoid using it as much as possible. And anyway it wouldn't make much sense for them to address each other by their last names, since they've already established a way more casual relationship.
Oh please do, especially besides Rookie Blue.
Well, maybe it was a sympton of my over-soaking. We'll just have to see.
Set a timer that you know you'll hear. Or if you're on the computer, bring it into the kitchen.
Heh, you know, the crepes I've had have been great, and I'm totally going to make more myself... but I have to admit I'm not crazy about their texture.
That's true about them addressing each other, but when they're thinking about themselves it probably could've gone either way. But sitting down and typing "Bilborough" more than once a page is just not worth it, because I still can't remember how to spell it half the time.
*laughs* I could always watch both ;)
Possibly. But you're right, practice makes perfect.
I do bring the computer to the kitchen sometimes! I don't know if it really helps, though.
I just haven't had them for a while. Plus whenever I make them they end up more like pancakes than everything; I don't have the patience for them.
Um, I'd be more surprised if someone thought of themselves by their last name, unless they've for whatever reason been doing it since childhood. But anyway, you've made the best choice for this story.
I suppose, if you simply must.
Well, in any case, timer, and one you know you'll hear.
Heh, well, drawing from my experience making one and a half crepes, maybe you should use less batter per crepe. Just, like, two-thirds or three-quarters of a ladle-full.
Well, I just meant more like "Vimes" tends to be Vimes throughout, even in books that are told from his perspective.
Perhaps I will see one episode of each. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow now.
True, that's a good example. "Jake" and "David" still seem better for what's going on so far.
Hee, it's important to have things to look forward to, they be British literary remakes or Hollywood cop dramas.
It does indeed. I really like the name "David", too.
*laughs* I'm mostly looking forward to being done with my last LSAT diagnostic, but the shows help too. Also there's a secret on fandomsecrets today about Sam Winchester's LSAT score and I'm kind of desperate to know what it is and if I could beat it.
That's my brother's name so... it's okay, I guess.
Heh, I'll bet. You could try Google? Or maybe if there's a Supernatural Wiki...
*laughs* Awkward!
174, apparently. Damn, boy. He really should've gone to Standford Law instead of the whole being the antichrist thing. I mean I guess he could go back.
Heh, well, I've already had a crush named David, so, y'know, practice.
That should be the end of the series.
Well okay then.
I feel like I could make all sorts of jokes about him being better suited for it as the antichrist but I'm too tired to articulate them further.
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