The clocks went forward yesterday to mark British Summer time beginning, and although a little "nippy" it really was a crisp, clear day - perfect for strolling through the country and city hand in hand with a gent that makes me smile more and more as every day ticks by. *bleuurgh* haha
It wasn't all smiles yesterday. The reason we went into the countryside was to visit Nathan's Dad's spot in the crematorium. It's his birthday today and he would've been 62. It's been almost a year since he died.
The crematorium itself is beautiful as far as they go. We sat on his bench and just took in the complete silence and the stunning scenery - a full panoramic view of Sheffield.
Later on we took a stroll through the city on our way to look at bicycles - not only am I learning how to drive a car but will soon have another form of transportation, we are both looking to buy a bikes in the near future in a bid to get a little fitter, did I mention Sheffield is primarily made up of hills??! Great.
Phelgm - One of my favourite local artist's
Afterwards we headed to Jims for a spot of Guitar Hero action - we were meant to be going to the cinema but they decided against it after stuffing their bellies with Chinese food pfft!
So we are going to head there tomorrow instead.
All that sun really took it's toll on Gremlin!
Tonight it's still light and blue skies at 7pm :-) I love Spring.
I've just filled my tum with quorn chicken, roast pepper & mushrooms, corn and instant noodles - quite a mixture but a well deserved carb fix - I walked to the shops after work and did a whole lot of food shopping (it's pay day you see and we've been living off jacket spuds for a week!) I'm now stocked up on lots of fresh veg, wholewheat pasta and lots more besides my biggest vice (aside from alcohol)....diet coke! (Which I'm supping right now!)
I've found out my course has definatley got the go ahead so I need to hand in my resignation asap :-( despite being worn out and completley ready for the holidays - I'm going to be very sad to leave this school. And to be honest I'm not sure if I have got what it takes to be a good teacher - I know I'm good with kids but do I really want all that extra responsibility? Hmm. I can always change my mind after I have my PGCE under my belt - I'm thinking I might go down the Teaching Adults English route which I'm already part qualified to do so. Who knows eh?
Anyhoo, Happy Spring Everyone!! (a.k.a. the only person that reads this - my sister :-p haha)
P.S. R.I.P. Chick :'-(