(no subject)

Oct 28, 2005 15:14

(this is my post that me and minda did today...she covered my eyes and stuff and i was typing and she wouldn't let me backspace or anything)

HI MINDA what are you doing today ,9i really like your hair…come to think of it I like kjo’s hair as well…it’s really asian…wait it’s azn you know what I mean…mr grach is standing over there and he has stripes…you know what I think. If he was wearing a tie with stripes on it I think I might die. .because it’d be lieke an opitical illusuion…you[‘re smiling at me with gold earings on imagine if you had pearl earrings on I could call you the girl wit hthe pearl earring…do you get it? I reckon I’m a pretty fast typer do you reckon I am?

Mrs davies is really hot ican see her at the printer it’s not funny sh’es wearing blue and a pretty long skirt it’s really hot and also this bangle and maybe I just reckon that book club would be a good option for extra curricular activity for senior shelfordians.. like I’d really enjoy it do you know what I mean

some asian just walked past it's really funny i was looking atht ethe pictures on her computer just before and it was some skinny asian and she's talking about how she wants to look like her and all this shit and really she kind of does look like her with her asian mullet like it's kind of funny well not really but she likes how anorexic the girl looks... how manny fat asians do you see anyway? i have no idea...probably LOTS I RECKON MAYBE QUITE A FEW I DON'T REALLY COUNT THE PEOPLE I SEE EBVERYDAY IF I DID I MIGHT SEE QUITE A FEW ASIANS CONSDIERING I HANG OUT WITH MIDNA AND JO AND THEY'RE BOTH ASIAN/.//AREN'T THEY ASIAN? AREN'T THYE?????????? IS THIS CAPS ???? pr os tjos? i can't tell...

MUMMY jus touched my nose and it was rape i swear she raped me///she has prett poo coloiured eyes///i really think she does have poo coploured eyes is that right????????????? i think it is///i want her body MINDY I WANT YOUR BODY BDY!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give it to me now can i have it? oh my god this really unattractive child just walked in in her sports uniform look mindy look
she's wearing her sports unmiform and has curly hair and is tall i just had areally strange memory

i remember the first time i had macaroni and cheese it was a good day but it was random and iremember warching some video and iwas at some school friends house and i was young



oh my god i hate the librarians they should call this one lady CONAN THE LIBRAIAN...do you get it? i get it
minda doesn't...yoy know conan the barbarian you dip[shit?

goddamn you fuckhead i need to do my work on niggers i'm learning anbuot black people and the asian is back
and she came through the exit door what an asian

love lottie
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