Day 5

Jun 09, 2009 23:08

Dear Journal,

Today was a nice day. I woke up from strange dreams that I don't remember now. The weather was beautiful. I was a howley monkey and John was a waddle penguin. We went for a walk to get Mikey his presents for his birthday. It was perfect weather for a walk. We got him some pretty cool things, and it was nice to get out for a while.

We hung around until it was time for John to get ready for work, and my sister called and said she'd be picking me up at three thirty for me and michael's birthday celebration. I kissed John goodbye (he looks sooo handsome in his work uniform), and waited outside for Ginnie.  She drove up and we headed to her house.

My mama and Joe were already there, and because my mama wasn't feeling too well, we got started right away. I got a couple gifts that I like a lot. A necklace, earrings, and a Bjork cd (that I didn't have, luckily) all very nice, and Milli was the camera guy. We had sandwiches and D made the cake.

I gave Ginnie the 'five hour energy' shots I have, because they don't wake me up, they put me straight into a panic attack. She loves them, so happy birthday to her too. :P   We headed off because my mama wasn't feeling well (and neither was I, I have the sniffles) And I came home to wait for John. I wanted to clean, but I was too lazy. I'll do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow will hopefully be a good day. John has the day off, and we were talking about maybe going out on a picnic at the park. :) I think that's a very pretty idea. I wrote him a love note last night, saying how proud I am of him. i really meant it. He's doing so well for himself, and he's really working on growing as a person.. it's very inspiring for me.

Like I've said, it's not your fault for the mistakes you've made so it's not fair to judge you on them, so long as you are aware that they were mistakes and are determined to better yourself from them. That's how I feel about John now, whereas before i would have just gotten so mad at what he did. He sees it, and he's working at it, and I admire him so much for it. he's a beautiful person, and he has a beautiful heart, and I love him with all of mine.

He's asleep already, and though it's early I've really got not much to do while I'm alone, so i took my sleeping meds. They should be kicking in pretty soon. I had a good day, and am hoping for another one tomorrow.

Signing off,

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