knock knock

Sep 17, 2007 20:25


  • Equal amounts of both RL and fandom babble abide in here. You have been warned.

  • I'm a crappy commenter, just a little fyi.

  • Tell me where you know me from. Random adding is not cool, and I will not friend you back if you do that.

  • Please type properly, and try to pay at least a bit of attention to your grammar, since you're reading the friends only page of a grammar Nazi. tYpInG lIkE tHiS WiNs YoU nO PoInTs.

  • You reserve the right to cut me at any time without any questions. Save the drama for your llama.

  • Comments are screened, so if your comment disappears, don't worry! I got it and that's what counts. ♥
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