Here is the master list of all members of this comm. categorized by teams. Members will be added as needed.
Main Moderators:
theonlyspl &
confessorlove ConfessorsX
Mother Confessors (Team Leaders)
Kahlan Amnell =
confessorlove Charlotte Charles [Pushing Daisies] =
the_windowbird Confessors (Members)
Gabrielle [Xena:W.P.] =
confessoralanaitsmorganabitch geeklefreek SeekersX
Seekers of Truth (Team Leaders)
Richard Cypher =
orbinglight Robin Hood =
Seekers/Heroes (Members):
Captain Malcolm (Mal) Reynolds [Firefly] =
keimei Olivia [Fringe] =
monkeysforever MordSithX
Badass Mistresses (Team Leaders)
Mistress Denna =
adi_dion Mistress Berdine =
tamardia Mord'Sith / Badass Leathers (Members)'
Callisto [Xena:W.P.] =
milerna Catwoman =
luinorne =
beautifullauren WizardsX
Wizards of the 1st Order (Team Leaders)
Zeddicus 'Zul Zorander =
Shota =
Wizards/witches of the 2nd Order
Royal Leaders (Team Leaders)
Darken Rahl =
andyrewr Villains/Royals (Team Members)