SD Kinnus Pt. 3 (and final)

Jan 28, 2006 21:14

So Sunday started off kind of bad. I had set my alarm for 6:15 so I could take a nice shower, get all ready and then start waking people up at 7:15, but I didn’t wake up till 6:52. So I was like “OMG!” I jumped out of bed, ran into the shower, and got dressed quickly. I woke David up for the first time at 7:15, he just kinda looked at me, and then went back to sleep. So I finished getting ready, and then woke David up again. And again he rolled over and went back to sleep. So at that point the Rabbi’s wife came down and started making us breakfast. I offered to help her like 9851905821 times, but she wouldn’t let me. So we talked for a while just about random stuff. Then I started waking everyone up. So I woke up the people in the living room first, cause I knew when they wanted to wake up. None of them really seemed to want to get up though. Then I went into the other room to wake up the other 4 guys. Nathan was kinda already up, but I sat w/him for a couple minutes. Then I woke up Avi and the other guy who was sleeping on the couch (no idea of what his name was). Then I tried to wake up Mitchell. But I was rubbing his back (the same way I woke everyone else up) for a few minutes, and he didn’t move at all. So I figured he was really asleep, and I went back into the other room. I went back like 5 minutes later and tried to wake him up again, and he didn’t respond. So I was like flipping out, cause I thought he had like died or something…So was I was like “ok.” And I went back into the kitchen w/the rabbi’s wife. Everyone else was still laying in their sleeping bags. The Rabbi’s wife offered to put “boker tov music” on, but I didn’t think people would appreciate it. So she put on cartoons, and had the noise play into the room where the other people were sleeping also. That kind of got everyone up. Then we had a wonderful breakfast, homemade eggs and hashbrowns, bagels and cream cheese, and leftovers from Saturday morning. Then Andrew found the smurfs on TV and we were watching that for a while. Then the rabbi’s wife said she was going to have to treat us like her kids and turn the tv off in 5 minutes so we could get ready. So everyone got ready, and Andrew was running around in his boxers AGAIN. We put our luggage in the car, and headed off to the temple. David and I were talking about documentaries, including Super Size Me and March of the Penguins. Totally random. But we got halfway down the Rabbi’s street and David counted (being the great counsler he is) and realized we were missing Andrew, and the Rabbi wasn’t with us, so we assumed he was with the Rabbi. Then the Rabbi came out of his house w/out Andrew, and we were like “where’s Andrew”. But the Rabbi said Andrew’d catch up, which he did. So we went to shul and had discussion groups for Shacharit. Nathan and I had halacha, but it wasn’t anything really interesting. Then was the Israel/SATO program. I had lost my nametag earlier in the weekend so I didn’t know what group I was in, so I just joined Nathan’s group. The program wasn’t anything too great. We made T-shirts, bracelets, and cards for Kids 4 Kids during the SA/TO program. Then the Israel program was just basically a bunch of discussion groups. JJ’s daughter is wicked cute though. She was in the room where we were making get well cards to Ariel Sharon, so she had a bunch of markers. But she had taken the caps off them and was trying to eat them. So I went and sat with her and colored with her. Then we had lunch, and people at the beginning of the line took most of the food, so there was like nothing left by the time I got food. They did all the announcements about the upcoming programs. Then we had closing ceremonies. Right before, Darren and Daniel Sher wrestled in “jelly”, but it looked more like water from where I was. Then it was really closing ceremonies. It was really fun. And then we had to go :’(. I said good-bye to almost everyone I knew. But I couldn’t find Nathan for anything. So I was like running around trying to find him thinking I had to leave, which I didn’t. But I found him and said good-bye. Then we had to load all ourselves and all our luggage into 2 cars, and my big bag almost didn’t fit…which would have been really bad. So we went to the airport and had a lot of time to just hang out. I was semi-forced into telling Alayna, Hannah, and Tal(i) about Nathan. We all just talked about random stuff for like an hour. Then the plane started boarding and Robbie and Anna weren’t back. So Kevin called them and started flipping out cause they had just ordered food at a restaurant. We thought we were going to miss our plane. So at that moment mom called and I sounded really mad at her, but I didn’t want to tell her what was going on. But we ended up making the plane, and luckily it wasn’t as full as when we were going there, so I got to sit in my own seats and spread out. And then we landed, and my weekend was over :’(.
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