What's in a name?

Apr 13, 2003 13:50

I've wondered for awhile what exactly is in a name, and how my father managed to pick my perfect name, which is essentially me, my identity. I know that it's probably not that he picked the perfect name for me, it's the fact that he picked my name, and I've grown into it, but if I had a different name would I have been different and grown to match it?
I sort of think maybe, but my reasoning tells me no, but how do I know, I can't really know, because I've already got my name, and it's mine, and I think it's my identity. Is a name really just a name, or does it identify who you are, what you are, and what you'll become. Does such a simple thing do all that? My guess is that that no it doesn't, because I have a feeling that that's what people will tell me, but how do they know? And if it doesn't then why do we put so much stock in a name, if it's just a word, other than the obvious reasons?
You know what I also wonder, how do people that change their names, make sure they've changed it to the right one, is a just a feeling, or do they consider it after a lengthy process, or do they just choose one and jump in blindly and hope it works, or all three and more?
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