Feb 03, 2006 15:55
I got a job today. Its with work opportunities unlimited, which is a company that helps people with mental or phsyical problems find jobs. I'm so happy somebody finally hired me and even better its the job that pays the most. I get $11 an hour whoo hoo! (hey trust me its great for this area) plus there are bonuses. I also have an appointment with the Coast Guard recuiter in Moblie on Weds and I'm taking the test. I hopefully will do good and go to boot camp soon but in the mean time I have a job. Its odd to be studing again after so long and wow I forgot how to do some pretty basic math. Luckly its coming back pretty well. (Oh and yes I know Andy will outrank me even if I go to OCS I'm ok with it as long as he knows who really wears the pants) Any ideas for how to avoid being outside together when we're both in uniform for the entire career?...