My son...

Sep 24, 2010 22:48

Hello Livejournal! Long time no see!

Thought I'd finally post that I had my son, September 15th, at 11:25am after 28 hours in labor (THAT sucked!). I opted for the epidural and it was a wonderful thing, until it wore off 1 1/2 hours before I even got to push! LOL. Oh well, it let me get some rest before I had to do all the hard work on my own. He was born 6 lbs, 19 inches long. His name: Kenji Robert Daniel Laurvick. Kenji (for him being 1/4 Japanese meaning: Strong, Intelligent first son) Robert after my grandfather and father, and Daniel after Sean's grandpa.

He's our pride and joy, I never knew I could love someone so much after such a short time of knowing him. I knew being a mother would be rewarding, but I never knew until I had my own child just how wonderful it would be. It seems I have a one in a million baby from what my friends and family say. He only fusses when he's hungry, needs to be changed or wants to be held. He doesn't cry for the sake of crying, and he's easily consoled as soon as he's picked up.

Here's my little man! I never thought I'd be one to plaster pics of my children all over the internet so I'm sorry...but I can't help it! He's my everything and I have to show him off =)

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