I'll Carry You With Me, Just Please Hold On (1/2) [Kahlan, Cara]

Apr 29, 2010 00:23

Title: I'll Carry You With Me, Just Please Hold On (1/2)
Characters/Pairings: Cara, Kahlan, one-sided Cara/Kahlan
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,794
Summary: While in hiding with Kahlan, Cara makes a startling discovery and is forced to keep a secret from her that, if revealed, could destroy them both. Slightly cracky AU after 2x17, Vengeance.
Disclaimer: Here at my journal.
Notes: For beerbad.

( I'll Carry You With Me, Just Please Hold On )

genre: au, rating: r, user: foibles_fables, genre: humor, pairings: cara/kahlan, characters: cara, characters: kahlan, genre: crack

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