Powerless Chapter 10

Feb 15, 2010 00:38

title: Powerless
author: cocky_toad Amber
disclaimer: I do not own Legend of the Seeker or the Sword of Truth Books. the end.
pairing: Richard/Kahlan
rating: PG-13
spoilers: up until Bloodline
summary: Darken Rahl sends his army after Kahlan

Author's note: Someone recently reminded me I haven't been updating my story on LJ, I'm so sorry. I apologize. I will be posting a chapter a day until I get caught up on LJ to make up for it :) Please enjoy. Feel free to yell at me for not updating :S lol. Hope you like this chapter and the ones that follow.


The Mord-Sith’s gaze bored deep into Richard. He had wished to never lay eyes on this woman again, yet here she was standing before him. It couldn’t be her; it wasn’t possible. “I…I killed you,” he stuttered.

Denna titled her head to the side, “Maybe next time you should stay to make sure you did the job properly.”

His voice became adamant, “My sword went through your body!”

Her features darkened, “Trust me, I know.” As suddenly as her anger had come, it disappeared once more. “You forgot one small detail: the breath of life. I’m sure you remember that one well.” She licked her lips to emphasize her point. “I do have to say, this D’Haran uniform suits you.”

He growled, “I don’t have time for your games Denna.”

Her fingers grazed over agiel, finding comfort in the sharp pain flowing freely up her arm. “So I’ve heard,” she smirked.

The Seeker knew Rahl would want to brag about how he had successfully captured the Mother Confessor, but to hear it spoken out loud enraged him. Kahlan wasn’t some prize he could show off. “I’m sure you have.” Realization dawned on him, “If you’ve laid even one finger on her…”

Denna brought her hand up to his mouth, pressing her index finger against his bottom lip to silence him. “Don’t worry Seeker, I haven’t even seen her.” She smirked. “Well except for when the soldier dragged her through here on his way to the palace.” She slowly dragged her finger across his lip, her face coming closer. “Despite what your heart tells you, this so-called ‘love’ you believe in, your soul will always be connected with mine.” Her mouth crushed up against his. Richard jumped back as if her agiel had touched him. She chuckled, “Same old Seeker.”

“Get out of my way Denna. I’ll kill you again if I have to,” his voice was dangerously low.

“Do you really think killing me would be wise in front of my sisters? Not that you could succeed. Besides, I’m not standing in your way. You can pass anytime you wish.”

Richard took a step back, not expecting her to let him go so easily. “Why?”

She shook her head, “I have orders from Lord Rahl, we all do. We’re not to harm you. I believe he wants that honor.” When he turned to leave, Denna grabbed his arm. Her face turned very serious. “Are you sure you wish to do this Richard? Is she really worth it? The chances of you surviving are minimal.”

The Seeker tugged his arm back forcefully. He didn’t even need to think over her question. “I’m prepared to die for her. I can’t just sit idly by while he does what he wants to her; living my life while she suffers. That’s a fate worse than death.”

Denna could see the truth in his eyes. She let her arm drop to her side, “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. It was nice knowing you Seeker.” Her eyes took in his toned body. “You would have made a good mate. It’s too bad.” She reached up, pulling the chain mail off of his head to reveal his face. She turned to her sisters, announcing loudly, “Let the Seeker pass! Lord Rahl awaits.” She faced Richard one more time before he turned his back on her.

About thirty Mord-Sith cleared a path for Richard to walk between. They stood off to either side, as if watching a parade go by. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the numerous agiels sitting in the holsters at the hip of each woman. They could attack him at any moment and he would surely lose. This was a little too convenient for his liking. Obviously Rahl had planned on Richard coming to rescue Kahlan. Even though this detail worried him, he took comfort in the fact Rahl wouldn’t be hard to find.

Kahlan lay on the cold ground, staring up blankly at the ceiling. She couldn’t see the point in getting up, there was nothing she could do. She had tried every way to escape, but each time she had failed. Rahl had already had his way with her multiple times, despite her struggles. If anything, the sick bastard enjoyed it more when she fought him. A chill ran down her spine that had nothing to do with the cool marble beneath her body.

Slowly, she rolled onto her side. She put her weight on her wrists to push up off of the floor, instantly screaming in agony. She cradled her left to her chest, her eyes closed tightly. That son of a bitch did more damage to her wrist last night than she thought. She vaguely remembered him bending it back as far as it would go, until she was kneeling before him. Just the thought made her feel sick again. Keeping her left wrist close to her body, she lifted herself up with her other hand. After being taken advantage of so many times, walking around was becoming painful.

Voices echoed from outside. Another devotion. She sighed; those words were involuntarily being committed to memory from hearing them so many times. Kahlan wandered over to the window. She was able to see for miles around. Every person was faithfully kneeling, their voices chanting together as one. The sight disgusted her. They were pledging their allegiance to a corrupt ruler. They were pledging their undying loyalty to the man who had repeatedly raped her. How could they just blindly follow Darken Rahl?!

The Mother Confessor was about to turn away from the glass panel when she saw a lone figure moving. Her curiosity peaked, she moved closer to the window; who in the People’s Palace wouldn’t be kneeling right now? More importantly, who wouldn’t be speaking the devotion and still be allowed to live? She squinted down at the small figure steadily coming closer. He looked like a D’Haran soldier, but even soldiers were obligated to speak the devotion just like everyone else. She studied the figure until he finally came close enough for her to see clearly. Her heart dropped into her stomach. Richard…

Part of her was overjoyed to see his face after so long. He was the only person she wanted to see, the only one who could provide her any comfort in her current predicament. Her mind was already imagining his strong arms holding her tightly to his frame, her head nestled in the crook of his neck. Her body ached to be held, to be comforted. For the past few weeks, all she had known was abuse of every kind.

On the other hand, she was terrified to see him within enemy territory. If he was allowed to walk around freely, obviously it was a trap. And yet, knowing Richard, he still continued forward. He was walking towards sudden death. One man against the entire D’Haran army, Rahl’s wizards, and Rahl himself. Frustrated tears threatened to spill over. Damn it Richard! Just turn around and go back! Just go back… For the first time since she had met him, she whole heartedly regretted Richard being named the Seeker. He could be living a peaceful life as a woods guide with his family right now, oblivious to the evil across the boundary. The thought of never meeting him brought with it heartache, but it was nothing compared to the thought of him dieing, especially him dieing because of her.

She placed her right hand against the window, leaning her forehead up against the cool glass. “Richard…” she whispered. Her broken voice sounded foreign even to her. “Go home….”

The door behind her opened, revealing a smug Lord Rahl. “So you have already spotted our approaching visitor have you? I’m sure you are dieing to see him.” Kahlan glared defiantly at his careful choice of wording. He ignored her. “You know Kahlan, I have been very lenient these past few days. Do you hear what is going on outside?” The Mother Confessor turned away from him. He meant the devotion. “I think it’s about time you joined in with them.”

“Go to the Underworld,” she hissed through gritted teeth.

“Ah, so seeing Richard Cypher has inspired some spark of resistance in you? Maybe some fleeting glimmer of hope? Well then let me remind you how many thousands of soldiers I have on the palace grounds, how many Mord-Sith your precious Seeker is walking through this very second, how many loyal D’Haran civillians that would be more than willing to do anything to please me.” He let this sink in for a moment, watching her mind processing the information. “Now, pledge your loyalty to me.”

genre: au, characters: richard, pairings: richard/kahlan, genre: action/adventure, rating: pg-13, characters: zedd, characters: darken rahl, genre: gen, user: cocky_toad, characters: kahlan

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