Title: Mistress of D’Hara - Part of the Wizard's 63rd Rule Collection
pristineungiftRating: R
Wordcount: Appx. 4,500
Pairings/Characters: f!Darken/Cara; Egremont/Darken’s Mother; Panis Rahl; Zedd; Mistress Nathair.
Warnings: Gender discrimination; Gender flipping; Fantasy Violence; Torture; Sensuality.
Summary: What if Darken Rahl had been born a girl? How might have her life played out? Part of the Wizard’s 63rd Rule Collection: A collection of character studies in which various LotS characters are genderflipped. The pieces are not related. In some, one character is genderflipped, in others all characters are, and in still others it’s a mixed bag. The title of the collection is taken from the 63rd Rule of the Internet: “For every male character, there is a female version of that character. For every female character, there is a male version of that character.”
Note: The portrayal of female!Darken Rahl, specifically her relationship with the Keeper, is influenced by conversations with